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江水溶溶。The river is broad and gentle.

江水滚滚向东流。River is flowing into the east.

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这种情况就如滔滔江水,一发不可收拾。It just flows, like a river in flood.

流不尽是发烫的江水。The passionate river is going endlessly.

晕晕余辉,残阳映红了江水。Faint afterglow, sun reflected the red river.

江水滚滚向东流。The Changjiang River is flowing into the east.

飞渡天堑的曲宗大桥和桥下汇流的两色江水。Quzong Bridge and two-colored river water below.

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上游江水不绝流来,永无止息。Water flowed from upstream, freely and unceasingly.

我站在浩浩的江水旁,心潮澎湃。Standing beside the mighty river, I am very thrilled.

月印千江水,千江月不同。India thousands on the river, Rivers months different.

碧绿的江水,如玉带般清澈醉人。The green water was clear and lovely like a jade belt.

为别人贡献好主意,好主意就会如滔滔江水,连绵不绝。Give ideas away and ideas will flood right back to you.

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但随后铁牛和铁乌龟都都被江水冲走了。But then optimus and iron turtles are river washed away.

大坝塌了,江水狂泻下来,势不可挡。The dam collapsed, and the water plummeted irresistibly.

长江将它的江水倾注到中国东海。The Yangtze disgorges its waters into the East China Sea.

两国人民共饮一江水。The people of our two countries drink from the same river.

竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。Penny three foreign and two peach, Riverside reads prophet.

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大概是以江水都汇于此,故而得名。Meeting the river are probably based on this, hence the name.

看看堤下,江水已经涨了两丈来高了。Look under the river embankment, had risen to two cubits high.

座位在窗边,你可以看见窗外的江水和对岸的闪烁灯光。The seat in the window, you can see the river and shore lights.