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四个叫化子,一只小黄莺。Four Larks and a Wren.

黄莺问它织这么大干什么?Warbler weave such a big ask, what?

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黄莺儿是一个任人欣赏的艾勒维奥。The nightingale is a gratuitous Elleviou.

美人松下黄莺叫。Orioles are singing under the beauty pine.

今天减价时我买了这张黄莺莺的新唱片。I bought this new Tracy Huang disc on sale today.

每年春天,在您窗前刺槐的花丛里会飞来一只黄莺。A nightingale comes to the clump of acacias opposite your windows, every spring.

不久,马的妻子因病去世,马结婚花爱好黄莺。Before long Ma's wife died of illness and Ma married the flower-loving Huangying.

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山鸡、黄莺、山鹰、百灵等飞舞鸣叫,狍子、狐狸出没山林。Pheasants , Ying Huang, Eagle, Braun and other fly call, Paozai, foxes come and go mountain forests.

有一天,大家公认的纺织家蚕和蜘蛛要比赛谁受大家欢迎,黄莺当裁判。One day, we recognized textile silkworm and the spider who wants to compete by everybody welcome warbler referee.

描述已是桃花红、李花白,黄莺呜叫、燕飞来的时节,大部分地区都已进入了春耕。Description is a peach red, gray Lee, Huang Yingwu called, swallow season, most of the region have entered the spring.

黄莺通常作为一种配花,和满天星、情人草一样用来装点花束,很受顾客欢迎。Oriole usually assigned as a flower, and the stars, Qing Rencao bouquet to grace the same, very popular with customers.

工作或许很辛苦,但黄莺却很喜欢与其他字幕组的译者们在英语水平上一较高下。The work may be hard, but Huang says she enjoys matching her English skills against translators in other subtitle groups.

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人们难道会嫌芳香过分,玫瑰花开得过多,歌唱的黄莺太多,翠叶太多,生命中的清晨太多吗?Can there be too many perfumes, too many open rose-buds, too many nightingales singing, too many green leaves, too much aurora in life?

因此,像黄莺这样的字幕组成员就成了先行的文化使者,为中国观众解译美国的语言风俗。As aresult, people like Huang have become frontline ambassadors of culture. They decode and interpret American language and idiom for a Chinese audience.

因此,像黄莺这样的字幕组成员就成了先行的文化使者,为中国观众解译美国的语言风俗。As a result, people like Huang have become frontline ambassadors of culture. They decode and interpret American language and idiom for a Chinese audience.

珂赛特的歌喉就象一只通灵的黄莺,有时,进夜以后,她在老人养病的那间简陋的小屋里,唱一两首忧郁的歌曲,冉阿让听了,心里大为喜悦。Cosette had the voice of a linnet with a soul, and sometimes, in the evening, in the wounded man's humble abode, she warbled melancholy songs which delighted Jean Valjean.

来自纽约奥杜邦的志愿者们在光线中发现很多种鸟类,如美国红星鸟,黄莺,画眉,比氏夜鸫,巴尔的摩金莺以及各种各样的唐纳鸟。Volunteers from New York Audubon identified American Redstars, Yellow Warblers, Wood Thrushes, Bicknell's Thrushes, Baltimore Orioles and various species of Tanager in the lights.

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来自纽约奥杜邦的志愿者们在光线中发现很多种鸟类,如美国红星鸟,黄莺,画眉,比氏夜鸫,巴尔的摩金莺以及各种各样的唐纳鸟。Volunteers from New York Audubon identified American Redstars, Yellow Warblers, Wood Thrushes, Bicknell’s Thrushes, Baltimore Orioles and various species of Tanager in the lights.

秋风扫过,树叶纷纷落下,有的像蝴蝶翩翩起舞,有的像黄莺展翅飞翔,还有的像舞蹈演员那样轻盈盈地旋转。Autumn wind swept the leaves have fallen, and some dancing like a butterfly, and some wings and taking flight as the warbler, as well as the image of light graceful dancer to spin.

我觉得黄莺的判决很对,因为蜘蛛虽然织的网大,而且也织得很快,但它只知道自己,永远都不会为别人着想。I think the warbler's decision was correct, because, although the woven nets big spider, but also woven very quickly, but it is only aware of themselves, will never be considerate of others.