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教师领读板书。Yes, I like reading books.

很容易做硬板书签。Easy to laminate the bookmarks.

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复习已学过的礼物的名称并板书。What are their presents? Look and say.

板书,教书在一张白纸上画圆示范。Let's draw a circle on a piece of paper.

上课时,她能写一手优美的板书。She writes beautifully on the blackboard.

不同文体的板书设计各不相同。Various styles ask for different designs.

同学们,我的板书可能不太正确对不对?Boy, my handwriting is atrocious, isn't it?

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你们仔细看着我写的板书对不对啊So can you all watch me like a hawk a second?

我希望我的板书做的更好一点。And I wish I'd made my boards a little bit better.

再听一遍录音,看板书关键词。Listen to the tape again, follow the conversation.

板书问题,让学生再听一次录音,听完回答。Very good! Now listen again and answer the questions.

听录音,回答问题,板书关键词。Listen to the tape, answer the questions on the blackboard.

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老师放录音a,听一遍,回答问题,板书呈现关键词。Listen to the tape. Answer the questions on the blackboard.

师生共同寻找答案中的关键词并板书在黑板上。Let's write some key words of the answers on the blackboard.

我应该这么写板书——含有两个变量的函数f是什么。So, maybe I should say f -- which is a function of two variables.

虽然在板书上写了,但再深入思考下While we've got this on the board, let's just think a little bit more.

请学生分别读出父亲的建议和吉姆的打算后,教师领读,板书词组。Jim isn't good at PE. What's his dad's advice? What does Jim want to do?

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让学生快速阅读对话,找出疑难点,教师板书并鼓励学生探究释疑。Now read the dialog. Please find out the important and difficult points.

板书是课堂教学中经常使用的一种手段。Blackboard writing is a kind of way regularly used in classroom teaching.

试着写下讲师在黑板上板书的。Take Good Notes. Try to write down everything that instructor puts on board.