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红色的黄晶那就更加稀有了。A red topaz is a rarity.

生命是一种稀有资源。Life is a scarce resource.

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因此我们看了稀有提起。So we saw the Noble gases.

而他们所卖的正是稀有性。And scarcity is what they sell.

我们有只稀有的蒙古兔!We have a rare Mongolian rabbit.

地球上最稀有的元素砹。On Earth rarest element astatine.

有集中甚至比黄金更稀有。And several are even rarer than gold.

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大熊猫是稀有的动物之一。Panda is one of the scarcest animals.

这样消逝的世界正在悄无声息地变得稀有起来。Such lost worlds are vanishingly rare.

他们店里有很多B面和稀有的唱片。They've got lots of B-sides and rares.

白头海雕不太可能以稀有物种为食Eagles Unlikely to Want Their Food Rare

那在遗址处发现的稀有铭文呢?The rare inscription found at the site?

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熊猫是世界上一种稀有动物。The panda is a rare animal in the world.

这些羊是一种相对稀有的品种。These sheep are a relatively rare breed.

译作是潜在的稀有商品。Translation is a potentially scarce item.

它是一条很稀有的双头蛇。It was one of a very rare 2 headed snakes.

这座森林充满许多稀有的蕈类。This forest is abundant in rare mushrooms.

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葡萄采自稀有百年树龄葡萄树。Originally sourced from 100 year old vines.

应否公开稀有鸟类的位置?Should locations of rarities be publicized?

燃料供应变得稀有,几乎可以说是没有。The fuel is rare, bascially no fuel at all.