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很多段落都有标红的痕迹。Many passages were marked in red.

这个段落的主题思想是什么?。What is the topic of the paragraph?

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将段落的第一行缩排。Indent the first line of a paragraph.

段落前缩进还是空行?Indentation or Space After a Paragraph?

段落是用一个空行来建立的。Paragraphs are created from blank lines.

第一段落经常会被三振出局。First paragraphs can often be struck out.

本书中的某些段落被删除了。Some passages were omitted from the book.

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使用短小的句子和短小的段落。Use short sentences and short paragraphs.

一个段落应该只有一个主题思想。A paragraph concentrates on a single idea.

重新阅读你标记的段落。Re-read each passage that you have marked.

现在Alex文章有了四个正文段落。Note that Alex now has four body paragraphs.

这是一段白日梦似的超现实主义段落。This is day dream-like surrealistic section.

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段落主题句或中心思想型任务。Topic Sentences, key words or mainidea tasks.

为正文段落输入段首句。Input the topic sentences for body paragraphs.

删掉论文中不必要的段落。Cut out the paragraph unnecessary for the essay.

他应编辑的要求插入了一段落。He wrote in a paragraph at the editor's request.

文章的第二段落离开了主题。The article divagates from the second paragraph.

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一条全文只有一个段落的消息被用红铅笔勾出来了。A single-paragraph item was ringed in red crayon.

将段落按左,中,右对齐。Aligns a paragraph to the left, right, or center.

记忆大块的文章或者段落。Memorize chunks of language or entire paragraphs.