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你喜欢柚子吗?Do you like pomelos?

这个柚子有多重?。How heavy is this pomelo?

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把柚子剖成两半。Cut the grapefruit in two.

小孩们昨天吃了很多柚子。The 46. ate many 47. yesterday.

他们吃月饼和柚子。They eat moon cakes and pomelos.

这些是月饼和柚子。These are moon cakes and pomelos.

比柚子汁喷射得更猛。And more than a grapefruit squirts.

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一周吃两次半个柚子。Eat half a grapefruit twice a week.

我给大伙儿摘柚子去。I'll go and pick us some grapefruits.

这柚子看起来不错,咱们买一个吧。The pomelos look good. Let's buy one.

半个柚子大约有39卡路里能量。Half a grapefruit has just 39 calories.

你们在吃柚子吗?闻起来真香啊!Are you eating pomelo? It smells so good!

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牛奶,糕点,柚子,火龙果。Milk , pastries , shaddock, dragon fruit.

柚子日本餐厅的环境。The environment of Yuzu Japanese Restaurant.

我们有些很好的柚子。是刚从古巴运来的。We have some nice pomelos just in from Cuba.

我们有些很好的柚子,是刚从云南运来的。We have some nice pomelos just in from Yunnan.

西米,芒果,芒果冰淇淋和柚子做的甜品。Sago, mango, mango ice cream and pomelo dessert.

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加入淡色朗姆酒、椰果朗姆酒、菠萝汁与柚子汁。Add the light rum, coconut rum, pineapple juice and.

用榨汁机榨出橙子、柚子、柠檬的汁液。Juice the oranges, grapefruit and lemon with the juicer.

我的弟弟喜欢在他的头上戴一顶柚子帽。My young brother likes to wear a pomelo hat on his head.