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你得花一整天跟他们神曲忐忑版接电话一起组装宜家傢俱。You will end the day a embling furniture from IKEA.

我们都在心情忐忑的等待着。We were all waiting for and dreading our notifications.

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虽然他的净资产是2元,但是他的心里却十分忐忑。His net asset is still 2 dollar, his heart is palpitating.

虽然他的净资产是2元,但是他的心里却十分忐忑。Although his net asset is still 2 dollar, his Heart is palpitating.

有些情况下,你可能会对请求宽恕感到忐忑。Depending on the situation, you might be afraid to ask for forgiveness.

在成语里,“五脊六兽”形容因有非分之想而忐忑。As an idiom, "Six Gurgoyles" means being restless due to one's immoderate ambitions.

他们会在你家堆满杂志,或者随便什么有唱神曲忐忑的鹩哥着图画的东西。They will fill your house with magazines and whatever is out there that has drawings.

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你敢爬我家窗户唱忐忑,我就跟你对唱甩葱歌。Dare you climb the window of my house I will sing disturbed, duet dolly song with you.

我诚惶诚恐赶紧开画,心里忐忑,也不知自己所学是否能让诸位法师满意。I was painted rapidly with reverence and awe, I'm not sure I could satisfy all of them.

而后,整个帝国的魔法领主都在全副武装的守卫组成的人墙后忐忑地生活了三天。For three days, every magister lord of the Imperium lived behind a wall of armored guards.

郑大一面庆幸姑娘没白养,一面又因方圆的态度而忐忑不已。A lucky girl Zheng White did not raise, and because of the attitude of a side with apprehension.

听起来凄凉悲壮,或者洒脱不羁,其实,只是骨子里那一点点无奈和忐忑。Sound lonely tragically heroic, perhaps big-hearted and unruly , in fact be just that a little is.

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想得太多只会毁了你。让你陷入忐忑,让实际上本不糟糕的事情,变得糟糕。Over-thinking ruins you. It makes you worry and just gets everything much worst than it actually is.

听起来凄凉悲壮,或者洒脱不羁,其实,只是骨子里那一点点无奈和忐忑。Sound miserable tragically heroic, perhaps big-hearted and unruly , in fact is just that a little is.

在网上公布的这段视频中,这名秃头士兵称成为囚犯让他很忐忑。In the video, released on the internet, the shaven-headed soldier says being a prisoner is "unnerving".

夜唱忐忑唱灯火阑珊下情已成追忆伤感出我的心声。Disturbed the night to sing to sing the dim light the lower levels become out of my mind sad recollections.

假如,芝加哥南部的一个孩子无法读书识字,即便他与我非亲非故,我也会心怀忐忑。If there's a child on the south side of Chicago who can't read, that matters to me, even if it's not my child.

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任何荒诞不羁羡煞众生的幻梦,都及不上这现实忐忑的每一天。Uninhibited envy of any absurd dreams of living beings, are inferior to this reality every day of apprehension.

我心中忐忑,随便指了指对面一个闭目养神的人,告诉她那是我家人。My heart perturbed, at points on opposite sides of a closed his eyes of the people, to tell her that is my family.

儿子和我们一家人都在激动和忐忑中等待着复试的到来。My son and other family members were excitedly and nervously looking forward to the coming of the final interview.