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到街上刚好碰见赵传奇穿的西装革履。Just met Zhao Chuanji wear suits to the street.

一个西装革履的亚洲人刚刚被两个被国人杀了。A well-dressed Asian man has just been shot by two Americans.

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我的一个室友西装革履的在公司上班,他看起来混得很惨。One of my roommates goes to work in a suit and looks miserable.

西装革履先生正在关心他的左膝。压力适当的话,他会唱起来的。Mr. Clean's favoring his left knee. Right amount of pressure, he'll sing.

几乎想都不用想,今天的中国领导人都是西装革履。Almost without exception, today's Chinese leaders wear Western business suits.

你不必西装革履、打领带、穿你的工作服,因为你不需要一份工作。You don’t need a suit and tie to wear to your job because you don’t need a job.

如果别人都不西装革履,那么你也没必要非得穿西服打领带。They don't expect you to wear a tie and a suit to jobs where nobody wear a suit.

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看着西装革履的商人坐在很矮的沙发上有点让人啼笑皆非,但是他们习惯了。It's ironic to see businessmen in suits sitting on a very low sofa but they get used to it.

西装革履的上班族在拥挤的上下班列车上站著睡觉在日本十分常见。Suited salarymen napping, often standing up, are a common sight on crowded commuter trains.

她从不肯向传统低头,她是那种宁肯穿登山服也不愿西装革履去教书的人。Never one to bow to convention, she wouldturn up to teach in hiking clothes rather than suits.

是啊,一些西装革履的傻瓜们比那些伦敦城里的脑外科医生赚的要高好多倍。And yes, there are some chumps in suits earning many times more than brain surgeons in the City.

而这些西装革履、在各种交易公司的地下室里工作的技术怪才们,其实就是90年代的黑客。These geeks in suits, working in the basements of trading companies, are the hackers of the '90s.

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莫克斯利猜测该公司雇西装革履的白人是为了赢得“一点信誉”。Moxley says his guess is that companies hire white people in suits to gain "a bit of credibility."

路上我们都高度赞扬了一名年轻男子西装革履的骑着。On the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by.

路上我们都高度赞扬了一名年轻男子西装革履的正骑车。On the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by.

“仅仅是几年前,亚洲的旅行者大多都是‘西装革履’的商务人士,”辛哈说。“Until just a few years ago, the bulk of travelers in Asia were ‘suits, ’ business travelers, ” Mr. Sinha said.

与其手捧玫瑰西装革履的站在楼下等她,不如让她看到你在运动场上、篮球架下如何生龙活虎。Rose with its hands up by her stand on the ground floor, not let her see you in the stadium, Lan Qiujia how dynamic.

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西装革履的交易员们坚守在电脑旁,试图应付匈牙利股市前所未有的震荡。Men in suits are glued to their computers as they try to cope with unprecedented volatility in Hungary's stock market.

在韩国,常常可以看见西装革履的无业人员在公园或车站转来转去。In South Korea, it is common to see jobless people in suits and ties wandering around public parks and railway stations.

如果我西装革履,我根本搞不清楚女人投来的目光,是因为我真的迷人呢还是她们恨保守党。If I put on a suit and tie, I never know if women look at me because I'm attractive or because they hate the conservatives.