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我未见过有哪条狗像她的所作所为一样。I have never seen a dog act like her.

他的所作所为与他的言行不一致。His words don't agree with his action.

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你的所作所为对他毫无意义。What you have done means nothing to him.

你的所作所为要以你哥哥为楷模。Make yours on the model of your brother's.

我们的所作所为其本身是一种神圣的贡献。What we did had a consecration of its own.

苹果电脑公司的所作所为甚至都不能用一句错误引用的名言来形容。Apple Computer can’t even claim a misquote.

不管你喜欢与否,每个人都在看领导的所作所为。Like it or not, everyone watches the leader.

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他对自己的所作所为深表痛心。He evinced great sorrow for what he had done.

他的所作所为给他家丢人现眼。His conduct brought disgrace upon his family.

我难道不该为我的所作所为得到应有的惩罚么?Shouldn’t I be punished for what I have done?

因为从他的所作所为,你知道,他是,Because from what he's done, he's a, you know,

你必须把你的所作所为对父亲解释清楚。You must account to father what you have done.

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用心良好没有实益,所作所为的结果最为重要。The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

你觉得那位政客的所作所为是否光明磊落?Do you think that politician is on the up-and-up?

其所作所为堪称最佳行棋之道And that's the best way to deal with these things.

从他的所作所为可以很明显的看出来,他对她宠爱有加。It was obvious in everything he did—he adored her.

经理否认知道我的所作所为。The manager disavowed any knowledge of my actions.

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你酒醒之后,会为你的所作所为而感到羞愧。You will ashamed what you've done after you drink.

费俊龙和聂海胜的所作所为让我非常感动。I'm moved by what Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng did.

这就意味着大黄所作所为是统治与服从的表现么?Does this mean Fido is into dominance and submission?