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劝诫她招认真情吧!Exhort her to confess the truth!

区里派了一个干部去对地主进行劝诫。A district official went to remonstrate with the landowners.

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这部电影太滑稽了,它劝诫人们不要吸烟。This film is really ---, which advises people to--- --- ---.

有人劝诫他们不要在这么坏的天气去登那座山。They were warned not to climb the mountain is such bad weather.

我的姊姊又在喋喋不休地劝诫我注意自己的不良行为了。My sister has been preaching at me again about my bad behaviour.

中国古代官箴是以一种劝诫文体表达出来的“为官之道”。Ancient Chinese "Guanzhen" is a kind of epigram of administration.

医生闻到了我身上的酒味,劝诫我说,“你该戒酒了。”The doctor could smell the drink on me. He said, "It's got to stop."

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老师对学生课堂上的鲁莽行为进行了劝诫。The teacher admonished the students for their rude behavior in class.

有天晚上,区里派了一个干部去对地主进行劝诫。A district official walked in the night to remonstrate with the landowners.

智慧人的劝诫,在顺从人耳中,好像金耳环和精金的装饰。Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold is a wise rebuke to a listening ear.

下边儿是粗体字的劝诫“给美国商业一个机会!”Beneath her scrawl, boldfaced words exhorted “Give American Business a Chance!”

智慧人的劝诫,在顺从的人耳中,好像金耳环和精金的妆饰。Like a gold ring of snow or an listening of gold is a wise rebuke to a listening ear.

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其目的在于教诫,劝诫教徒们为善止恶,弃妄归真。The aim of precepts, admonished believers the good and evil, leaving comments on basics.

要作穷人的宝库,要作富人的劝诫者,要回答困苦中人的哭泣。Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answerer of the cry of the needy.

但一位中国律师在后来写给他的一封email中劝诫道“任何上诉基本上都是浪费时间。”But a Chinese lawyer advised him in ane-mail that "any appeal is basically a waste of time."

败火和闻道谈起了禅法,以此劝诫严世藩放下。Relieve inflammation or internal heat and smell about the zen method to exhort YanShiFan down.

利物浦名宿约翰。巴恩斯劝诫自己的老东家千万不要让苏亚雷斯重演“托雷斯式”闹剧。John Barnes has urged Liverpool not to allow Luis Suarez to follow in Fernando Torres' footsteps.

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并以自己过来人的身份,结合自身的经历与感受,劝诫大家要踏实,要勤奋。Talking about his own experiences and feelings, he exhorted us to be diligent and to become a doer.

乔达摩-悉达多,也就是佛陀,劝诫他的信徒们脱离尘世生活。Gautama Siddartha, who became the Buddha, urged his followers to isolate themselves from worldly life.

上帝要求我们当在他人犯罪时劝诫他们,在他人向我们犯罪时宽恕他们。God requires that we admonish others when they sin and that we forgive them for their sins against us.