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不明不白我离你而去。I am sorry to you!

时间就这样不明不白地流走了。Time flies away without anything left in this way.

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这位律师拒绝被拉入这种不明不白的事情中去。The lawyer refused to be drawn into such a shady case.

这其中最傻得让人不明不白的是故事的情节。The most head-scratchingly silly of all are the story's plot.

我们不能就这么不明不白的输掉比赛。We couldn't lose that game without feeling very hurt about it.

程超群说自己只想要一个合理的理由不想走的不明不白。Super cheng said he just want a reasonable reason to dont want to go astray.

选,可是这来历不明不白的,自然是有很多人反对的。Choose, but this background is ambiguous, the nature is a many people disapproved of.

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北方人觉得这一年白白的浪费了,而且还有数以千计的人不明不白地就死了。People felt that a year had been wasted, that thousands had died for no real purpose.

但是近4个世纪美国的发展都是来得不明不白的。The development that America achieved over the last 4 centuries did not exactly come clean.

在经历了一个如此惨淡的赛季后,我绝对不允许自己就这样不明不白地离开。I would have never accepted of leaving the club following a season like the one I went through.

人们会用你妻子不明不白的出生来攻击你以及你的子女。People might use the knowledge of your wife's doubtful birth against you, and against your children, too.

通常是某件事,如不明不白地摔了一跤,提醒患者身体出了什么问题。There is often an eent, such as an unexplained fall, that alerts the person to the fact that something is wrong.

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印书的合同,是明明白白的,但我不愿意到那些不明不白的地方去辩解。The contract itself was quite straight- forward and intelligible, but I had no wish to go to such crooked and mirky places to explain it.

比赛明显的转折点是热刺前锋米多被罚出场,他对裁判不明不白的判罚感到失望。The obvious turning point was the dismissal of Spurs forward Mido. Martin Jol was disappointed but understanding of the referee's decision.

大多数人却认为,这种半公半私又不明不白的双重属性所有制并不会成功。Many believe this form of hybrid ownership — part government, part private, with the responsibilities of ownership unclear — will not prove workable.

他是个精力充沛,精明强干的生意人,四年前移居到此地。他告诉我,起初他被保加利亚官僚各种不明不白的要求弄得筋疲力尽。An energetic wheeler- dealer, who moved here four years ago, he told me of his initial frustrations with the mysterious demands of Bulgarian officialdom.

他们常常仅仅为了找到工作而落在不明不白的人贩手中,在那些指望降低生产成本的工厂里充当廉价劳动力。Often they fall in the hands of shady human traffickers only to find work as cheap labourers in industries that are looking to keep production costs low.

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他笔下决大多数的主人公都是三十多岁的男子——为人随和,孤独内向,有着不明不白的情史,喜欢爵士乐,威士忌和美国电影。Most of his protagonists have been men in their 30's, easygoing solitary types with spotty romantic histories and a taste for jazz, whiskey and American films.

政府向该公司注资这一举措,使得核电产业和政府监管者之间看起来有种不明不白的关系,这使得日本陷入了此次核电乱局。Injecting money into the company smacks of the sort of complicity between the nuclear industry and its political overseers that helped getJapaninto this nuclear mess.

尚伟志有些不忍心,犹豫了,但林芳和尚振国坚持要验明正身,不能让一个不明不白的孩子出世,艾语为了证明自己,坚持做了手术。ShangWeiZhi some dont have the heart to, hesitated, but, Lin fang monk z. g. insisted that identified, cant let a shady child, ai language in order to prove himself, insist to do the surgery.