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然后再交叉相乘。And I can cross-multiply here.

现在我们就能使q1和q2相乘了。And now we can plug in q1 and q2.

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一个数和1相乘,还得原数。Any number times 1 remains the same.

我们可以把任意两个相乘吗?Can we multiply anything by anything?

两个矢量组件对应相乘。Multiplies two vectors component-wise.

好,现在我们知道怎么把两个矩阵相乘了。OK, now we know how to multiply matrices.

乘数与被乘数相乘的数。The number by which another number is multiplied.

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我们把它和向量X相乘会怎样?What happens when multiply this with the vector X?

要除以一个分式,就需要把除式颠倒后相乘。To divide by a fraction, flip the fraction and multiply.

这是一个关于距阵相乘的算法,希望对大家有用!This is one of the matrix multiply algorithm, we want to help!

今天我们来学习如何将两数相乘。Today we are going to learn how to multiply two numbers together.

测量你的身高,以米为单位,并将数字相乘。Work out your height in meters and multiply the figure by itself.

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能量相加,配分函数相乘。If the energies add, then the partition functions multiply each other.

我们现在把这个结果,和重力常量相乘。And now we're going to multiply that by the gravitational force constant.

他还演示了如何能理解将各种无穷大相加和相乘。He also showed how one can make sense of adding and multiplying infinities.

通过将两个值相乘,服务可以计算以日元计价的股票报价。By multiplying the two values, the service calculates the stock quote in yen.

我只是解释一下,这种把数字列表相乘的方法表示的什么意思。I just need to explain to you what this way of multiplying tables of numbers means.

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一旦我用一个很大的n与它相乘,它就会变得比kT大得多。Once we multiply it by a very large number n, it becomes very much greater than kT.

把平均字数与平均行数相乘即是每页平均字数。Divide this number of words by 5, and you have your average number of words-per-line.

如果我们把l和ρ相乘,这是长度的单位,这是体积的单位。If we multiply l times rho together, this is units of length. This is units of volume.