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我选择成为一个影子杀手,因为我喜欢长距离的带球奔袭。I prefer playing as a Trequartista, as I like to run at the goal from distance.

在如今这个社会里,每个男人都像一匹长途奔袭的马,没有终点,只有长路。In today's society in which every man is like a long-range raid the horse, there is no end, only a long way.

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巴西幅员辽阔,各支球队需要长光阴奔袭于各个比赛场馆,感受各种气候的考验。The size of Brazil means teams will be traveling extensively between games and crossing climates in the process.

维埃拉的另一个标志性动作是中场的带球奔袭,这通常是在他赢得铲球或者突破对方防守后。Another Vieira trademark is the surging run from midfield, usually after winning a tackle or breaking out of defence.

这个意大利人在1982紧随队友攻入一球后,来了个长途奔袭,就像你会一样在比赛场地高喊着自己的名字。The Italian followed up his strike in 1982 by going off on a memorable run, screaming his own name like you would in the playground.

还有轰炸机,比如老资格的B-52,通过空中加油使得其可以装载最大重量的炸弹从遥远的基地进行远程奔袭。And bombers, like the venerable B-52, used refueling so they could carry maximum bomb payloads over long distances from remote bases.

进球是以纳瓦斯的长距离奔袭开始,并由处于攻击中场位置的法布雷加斯助攻。The goal was fitting in that it started with a long, mazy run from Navas, and was assisted by Fabregas from an advanced midfield position.

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研究显示,企鹅的群落正在衰落,随着海洋温度的升高,这些大鸟被迫去奔袭更远的距离去寻找食物。Research suggests that the population is declining as sea temperatures warm and the birds are forced to travel longer distances to find food.

这些精致石器刃口锋利,轻巧便携,是便于专业化狩猎者长途奔袭狩猎使用的工具组合。These decent stone tools have sharp edges and are easy to carry. They are suitable for professional hunters performing lengthy hunting activities.

第一次让格陵兰岛体验沧海桑田巨变的事件发生在一千年以前,当时红胡子埃里克率领一支规模不起眼的诺尔斯乌合之众也就是海盗从冰岛奔袭而来。Greenland's first experience of hype happened a millennium ago when Erik the Red arrived from Iceland with a small party of Norse­men, aka Vikings.

在塔斯卡卢萨县形成,一路向东北方向奔袭,席卷至伯明翰的龙卷风威力巨大,时速超过165英里,留下了一条宽1.5英里、长80英里的废墟带。The one that ran from Tuscaloosa north-east to Birmingham was immense, 1.5 miles across and 80 miles long, with winds exceeding 165 miles per hour.

报告指出,中国正在改进它的轰-6,“新改型可携带远程巡航导弹,能够长程奔袭,参与作战”。The report states that China is modifying the H-6 to "a new variant that possesses greater range and will be armed with a long-range cruise missile."

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而托雷斯的进球是多种多样的,他可以近距离抢点破门,长途奔袭、右脚进球、左脚破门以及头球进网。The other thing is that there has been such a variety to Fernando's goals. He's scored from close range, long range, with his right foot, left foot and head.

古德里安现在把它的坦克部队转向东南方奔袭另一个苏军集团,他们正在罗斯拉夫尔集结,试图再一次解围。Guderian now turned some of his panzers southwards to crush another group of Soviet troops that were gathering around Roslavl to make a further rescue effort.

美国可以从本土起飞轰炸机,长途奔袭至中国,并轰炸中国纵深的目标,然后飞回美国。The US can launch bombers form deep inside the US mainland that can fly all the way to China, and bomb targets deep inside China, and then fly back to the US.

森川知道第三飞行队被消灭后很生气,他取消了鹿屋航空队的长程奔袭计划,还准备在半路上进行拦截中国空军。The third groups sichuan know wiped out very angry, he cancelled the deer house air force long-range strikes plan, also on the road to stop Chinese air force.

骑兵运动和作战,对交通和地形的要求较高,最适宜在平夷开阔和丘陵曼衍地形上,进行运动野战和远程奔袭。Whereas, the cavalry asks more than the infantry. It is used to fighting on the wide plains and the chain hills, taking up field war and long-range attacking.

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阿格透露他总是在为他的队友寻找机会,但他也承认在下半场他已经没有气力再有类似的长途奔袭了。Agger revealed that he is always looking to create chances for his team-mates but confessed to being too tired in the second period to go on similar marauding runs.

让人印象深刻的甄子丹和惠红英的那场在庭院的打斗,就从村里屋顶上跃过,最后结束在一个奔袭的牛群中。The sensational fight between Yen and Hui begins in a courtyard, sends them bounding across the rooftops of village huts and ends in a pen of teeming, restless oxen.

这位19岁的替补球员随后在第88分钟时长途奔袭并近距离右脚破门,帮助太妃糖获得了漫长小组赛的第二场胜利。The 19-year-old sub then ended a strong run with the right finish from close range in the 88th minute to give the Toffees their second win in as many group stage matches.