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我成了一个暂露头角的组织者。I was a budding organization man.

很快我就开始在才艺比赛中暂露头角。Soon I was competing in talent shows.

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我觉得为刚斩露头角的人才投资的想法不错。I love the idea of being a patron of burgeoning talent.

智能手机在1990年代开始暂露头角。Smart phones started coming out in the nineteen-nineties.

你不必要为了制造气氛而把自己弄成一个暂露头角的大厨。You don't need to be a budding MasterChef to make an impact.

他们的主要精力放在研究天然露头的地层情况与构造上。Their main effort is directed to stratigraphy and structure of outcrops.

警察在街角一露头,小偷立刻钻进了一辆红色小轿车。The thief whisked into a red car when a policeman appeared at the corner.

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露头显示,褶皱过程中盖层未沿不整合界面产生明显滑脱。Outcrops show that the cover did not detach along the uncomformity surface.

奥灰水通过基岩隐伏露头侧向补给矿井。O groundwater recharges the mine through buried outcrop of bedrock laterally.

在检查官的眼里,这再次成为非法的,或至少非法迹象开始露头。Then again, illegality is — or at least begins — in the eye of the prosecutor.

鹰角石?你是说一块岩石?哦,我明白了。很显然是一块基石的露头。Eagle Rock? A rock, you say? Oh, I see. It's obviously an outcrop of base rock.

接着,他在文学界暂露头角,出版对开本。He next makes his appearance in the republic of letters and publishes his folio.

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与此同时,中国因为在建立本国太空站上的突破而在这场角逐中渐露头角。Meanwhile, China moves ahead with plans for a competing space station of its own.

如果易建联在周五的处子秀中能崭露头脚,那么联盟就不会感到失望。If Friday's debut performance was any indication, NBA nation won't be disappointed.

露头显示褶皱过程中盖层未沿不整合界面产生明显滑脱。Outcrops show that the cover bedding is not detachment along the uncomformity surface.

塔楼位于岩石露头,塔内旋梯迂回12层楼。Located on the rocky outcrop, the pagoda internal staircase winds upward for 12 stories.

到第三系时期晚期,这片区域已经演变成为现在不同的一种露头模式。By the end of Tertiary time the area have evolved an outcrop pattern not unlike the present.

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完善的管理体系以及良好的售后服务令本公司在同行业中渐露头角。Sound management system and good after-sales service make our company in the same tradeTau Kok.

一组的南部海狮懒散在一处岩石的露头在塔克岛智利火地岛之外。A group of southern sea lions lazes on a rocky outcrop off Tucker Island in Chilean Tierra del Fuego.

同时余可非感觉找到了自我,但抑郁症的征兆也偶有露头。At the same time, more than Kefei found a sense of self, but also occasionally outcrop signs of depression.