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你以为是什么样像棺材地牢或者城壕那样的?When the moat is deep a ladder can be used.

我在哪读过过关于地牢的东西啊?Where have I read something about dungeons?

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地牢里一定会有暗门之类的东西。There must be some like trapdoor or something.

约翰让人将莫德和她的儿子关进了地牢。John had Maude and her son cast into a dungeon.

比一般的地牢探索者幸存得更久。Survive longer than your average dungeon delver.

你可以击碎一个男人的脑壳,可以逮捕他,甚至可以把他关进地牢。You can break a man's skull. You can arrest him.

梅金将被丢进暗无天日的地牢。Megan shall be thrown into the dungeon of darkness.

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你以为是什么样像棺材地牢或者城壕那样的?What did you expect, coffins and dungeons and moats ?

早先中世纪地牢的石头地面下都有暗门。Old medieval dungeons had trapdoors laid underneath stones.

永恒之爱是座潮湿压抑,暗无天日的地牢,我从中逃了出来,永生自由。I am free forever from the damp, dark prison of eternal love.

从前在巴黎的小沙特雷,有个长长的大地牢。There existed at the Chatelet in Paris a large and long cellar.

而雷锦仪却被暴露了身份,关在了军部的地牢里。And LeiJinYi was exposed the identity, is locked in military dungeon.

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若再在附近发现一间像模像样的地牢我也不会觉得很吃惊。I would not have been surprised to find a well-appointed dungeon nearby.

第一幕启幕时,舞台上现出了地主家里的一个地牢。In the first act the curtain goes up on a dungeon in a landlord's house.

下课铃一响,他就抓起书包,冲向地牢门口。When the bell rang, he grabbed his bag, and hurried to the dungeon door.

公元270年的2月14日,瓦伦丁在地牢里受尽折磨而死。AD 270 years of February 14, Valentine had been tortured in the dungeon to die.

辛德尔无所适从,于是泰拉克把她和查拉尔一起关进了城堡的地牢。Unable to, Cindel was instead imprisoned in the castle's dungeon, as was Charal.

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他们将保卫处,探索地牢随着男性矮人。They will defend the shelter and explore the dungeons along with the male dwarves.

我也预言了很多的上帝的旨意,还因此被西底家关进了地牢里。I prophesied about the Lord more and more and I was put into a dungeon by King Zedekiah.

这就是地牢,当时里面有许多毒蛇和蝎子。And this is the dungeon itself. At those times it was full of poisonous snakes and scorpions.