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统制经济已让位于开放的市场。Controlled economies have given way to open markets.

罗马尼禄皇帝的统制是一个恐怖统治。The reign of Roman Emperor Nero was a reign of terror.

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伊朗的统制者必需取悦于波斯人和伊斯兰人。Iran's rulers must satisfy both its Persian and its Islamic.

李逵受招安后被封为镇江润州都统制。Li Kui after being labeled by the amnesty are Runzhou control.

在中世纪,封建统制和农奴制度是普遍的,残酷的。In the Middle Ages, feudal control and serfdom were universal and cruel.

徐绍桢,原清朝新军第九镇统制。Xushaozhen, the original control of the Ninth-Town New Army of Qing dynasty.

我们不能同意这样的观点,以为完全用长官的严厉统制办法,就可以达到上述目的。We cannot agree with the idea that these aims can be attained only by officers' strict control.

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许多措施是循序渐进的,它们标志着对印度昔日的统制主义的决定性突破。Many of these measures were gradual, but they signaled a decisive break with India's dirigiste past.

总分类账起统制账户的作用,明细分类账必须与其保持一致。The general ledger account acts as a controlling account, and the subsidiary ledger must agree with the control.

任何类似的账户都可以从总分类账中剔出,以统制账户取而代之。Any group of similar accounts may be removed from the general ledger and a controlling account substituted for it.

谁也明白,统制、镇压,是和“唤起民众”的原则相违背的。Everybody knows that autocracy and suppression run counter to the principle of "arousing the masses of the people".

日本树立伪蒙疆政权后,为了掠夺该地区丰富的畜产资源,实行畜产统制政策。Mengjiang Bank was the centre for Japan to carry out economic plunder and to claw for war resources in Mengjiang area.

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纵观莫罕达斯·甘地一生,他敢于在英国统制全世界的全盛时期跟权力做斗争。Throughout his life, Mahatma Gandhi fought against the power of force during the heyday of British rein over the world.

介绍如何利用电阻、电容与电感来求得电路系统的统制方程式。Understand and utilize resister , capacitor and conductor elements to derive the governing equation of electrical systems.

这是一个佛陀的节日,最高精神中心香巴拉和圣统制之间的媒介。This is the festival of The Buddha, divine intermediary between the highest spiritual center, Shamballa, and the Hierarchy.

所以,对敌占区贸易不能采取政府统制一切的办法,而是管理的办法。Therefore, in managing trade with the enemy-occupied areas, the government did not try to exercise complete control over it.

随后,当然会使得你们能够统制这个载具,适应这更高的档位,并且发现它所带来的才干。It is of course then up to you to take control of the vehicle in this Higher gear and find out whsupport it is capbellyle of.

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对内的节制资本和对外的统制贸易,是这个国家在经济斗争中的两个基本政策。The two basic policies of the state in the economic struggle will be regulation of capital at home and control of foreign trade.

由于日方的掠夺和统制,这种贸易关系并体现了日本帝国主义对上海的经济侵略本质。Because of Japanese plundering and ruling, this kind of trade relation fully embodied an economic aggression to Shanghai from Japan.

中国永远都无法成为一个发达国家。像所有统制经济一样,中国很快将退回到原来的状态。Chinawill never turn into a developed nation. They will revert to what they were soon enough just like every State controlled economy.