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只有经常的清洁才能防患于未然。Opt for frequent cleanings to nip tarnish in the bud.

关于这批运输货品,我们最好防患于未然。E. g. Regarding this shipment, we'd better stem the tide.

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燃放时要放一桶水在旁边,这样出现一点火星或是其他的火事时,就可以防患于未然。Keep a bucket of water nearby to control flares or fires.

只有选择参数合适、适用的RCD,才能防患于未然。Only selection of proper parameters and applicable RCD could we nip in the bud.

TQM的特色反映在“事前管理,防患于未然”。The feature of TQM is "Management in advance, prevention before troubles occur".

拜登指出,美国将在可能的情况下采取行动,防患于未然。Whenever possible, Biden said, the United States will choose to act preventively.

苏切温和的对朵索说,她要忍耐,防患于未然,学会躲避灾难。Sue mild for flowers say, her patience and nip in the bud, learn to avoid disaster.

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为了促使你保持年轻健康,请想想看防患于未然能带给你什么。To motivate you to stay young and healthy, think about what prevention can provide.

我们需要这一机制,这样全球性问题就不会在成为既成事实后才得到解决,而是防患于未然。We need it so that global problems are not just mopped up after the fact, but anticipated.

概而言之,就是预防疾病的发生和发展,防患于未然。To sum up, prevention of the occurrence and development of diseases, prevention of the will.

内勤局还有一个执法项目,是我们通过防患于未然来遏制腐败的一个环节。IAB also has developed an enforcement program as part of our proactive approach to corruption control.

主动挖掘预防措施,努力做到防患于未然。Prepare for the latent dangers before they materialize by seeking for preventive measures pro-actively.

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我们要采取更多措施切断恐怖分子的人员招募渠道,从而防患于未然。More must be done to interrupt the recruitment of terrorists, thereby reducing the threat before it materializes.

排除危害是一种积极性的预防环境危害的责任形式,它能够起到防患于未然的作用。Rule out the possibility of harm is a positive prevention of environmental damage liability, which can play a proactive role.

作为一名架构师,现在就应当准备一份云使用指南,防患于未然,在灾难发生前把问题降到最低点。As an architect, you should be developing guidelines for cloud usage now to minimize these issues before they become disasters.

除正常的服务以外,东联电器将定期地主动与用户指定联系人沟通有关产品运行的各种情况,做到情况随时掌握,防患于未然。Except above, we would report our latest news on product to customers from time to time. To achieve the target 'nip in the bud'.

邵明立称,安全问题方面的报道可能有助于防患于未然。Shao Mingli, commissioner of the State Food and Drug Administration, said reporting on safety issues could help prevent future problems.

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如果我们希望防患于未然,避免误解和危机,那么沟通、透明和信任就必不可少。If we want to avoid misunderstandings and prevent crises before they emerge, then communication, transparency and trust will be essential.

了解和掌握冰情变化规律,采取工程措施防患于未然对于工程建设十分必要。Therefore it is necessary to know clearly the variation of the icing situation in order to take timely measures to protect the construction.

为了防患于未然,佟林决定以后把收破烂的摊位定在音乐学院门口,每天监视佟美出行。In order to nip in the bud, Lin tung decided, then the recyclers stand at the gate of the school of music, monitoring tong mei travel every day.