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乞丐不可能有挑选。Bears can't be choosers.

任你挑选一个。Choose any one you like.

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谢谢你为她挑选。Thanks for picking it out.

如何为顾客挑选羽毛球?How To Choose Shuttlecocks?

如何挑选新鲜的香菇?How to pick fresh mushrooms?

如何挑选五花肉?How do you choose pork belly?

我不知道我们为什么挑选了她。I don"t know why we picked her.

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挑选出你的好的有趣的朋友。Seek out your good fun friends.

那么你挑选的是哪些呢?What are your picks for the year?

他们投票挑选新班长。They voted to select a new monitor.

我将明智的挑选朋友。V. I will choose my friends wisely.

由您来挑选代的数目。You pick the number of generations.

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这些是我挑选的2010年十佳可视化项目。Those are my top ten picks for 2010.

我想挑选几个羹匙和碗。I wish to pick some spoons and bowls.

把草莓挑选好并把皮去掉。Pick over and hull the straw berries.

他们挑选王先生当他们的顾问。They choose Mr. Wang as their advisor.

想要哪一个,任你挑选。Which one do you want— take your pick?

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你可以从这些激光唱片中挑选。You may choose from among these discs.

他为这项特殊任务挑选了一组人马。He selected a team for the special task.

小心驶得万年船,挑选投资货币还须谨慎。It pays to pick your currency carefully.