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有好邻家才有好篱笆。Good neighbors make good fences.

而我一直都是个貌不惊人的邻家女孩。I was always the girl next door.

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我很少看到邻家的人。I seldom see my next door neighbors.

我该垂涎邻家的女佣吗?Shall I covet my neighbour's maidservant?

与邻家的鬼也保持和谐!And peace also with thy neighbour's devil!

我喜欢我的那个漂亮的邻家女孩。I like my neighbour who is a nice girl. save.

从那边不时传来邻家的狗吠声。Now and then a dog barked From one of these homes.

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倘若邻家的芳草并不比你家的绿,你有何打算呢?What if the grass isn't greener, what would you do?

他站在阳台上俯瞰邻家的门厅。He stood at the balcony to overlook neighbour's hallroom.

邻家一位妇女向年已八十的法官斯蒂芬斯镇长抱怨。complained to the mayor, judge Stevens, eighty years old.

邻家的门环一声响,那更使她心头突地一跳。The ringing of her neighbor knocker set her heart pounding.

不管怎样,她依然是那个邻家女孩──只不过她已经走向了世界。No matter what, she's still that girl next door-only gone global.

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没有这种保护,金就无法去公园游玩,也不能和邻家孩子玩耍。That meant no trips to the park. No playing with neighborhood kids.

他看到邻家的耕牛走进了他的田里。He saw that the bull a neighbor used to plow had wandered into his field.

邻家女孩将要远嫁美国,嫁给一位中年医生。The next-door girl is going to marry a middle-aged doctor far away in USA.

我帮他们干农活,扶助邻家的孩子温习功课。I possibly even helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons.

可是,姑娘却爱上邻家的少年,两人有了私情。However, the girl fell in love with the boy next door, the two had an affair.

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这只不过是个精致的邻家小酒馆,只不过是一杯莎当妮。It was just a nice neighborhood bistro and it was just a glass of Chardonnay.

在她的个人网站上,她写到,“其中那名女子就是一个平常的邻家女孩。On her website, Meyers says, “One of these people was just your average girl.

他向警察抱怨邻家的狗叫声。COMPLAIN】She complained to the police about the barking of her neighbor's dog.