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我今日才算看见了!I see till tody!

今日无信!No letter today!

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你们今日还能实地到访。You can visit it today.

今日你觉得怎么样?。How re you feeling tody?

今日是我的苏息日。Today is my day of rest.

今日上嘎班会课。我觉得好有感触。!Believes me I can be good !

以色列王今日诞生。Born is the King of Israel.

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今日牛肉饼停止供应。The steak pie is off today.

哇塞,你今日帅呆了。Wase, you spent cool today.

今日以色列圣殿山。Israel's Temple Mount today.

请问今日特餐是什麽?What are the specials today?

今日别后何时再相见?。When will we all meet again?

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今日是李先生当主席。Mr. Li takes the chair today.

电台预报今日无雨。The radio says no rain today.

今日凉风习习,非常舒适。It's breezy and pleasant today.

去年今日此门中。This door, this day, last year.

活着吧、如同今日是末日丿样。To life, like today is the end.

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这在今日如何影响我们?Where does that leave us today?

东京股市将于今日重新开盘。The Tokyo market re-opens today.

今日好快又过了,时间真系快。The time so fast, I am so afaid!