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她的声音异样地颤抖著。Her voice quavered grotesquely.

异样的食物,还有猪肺头。Strange food, as well as lung head.

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我想也是异样推剪一下就可以了。I think they only need a little trimming.

异样和一样。同样的拼音,天地般的差距。Strange and the like. The same spelling, the world as a gap.

芷蓉脚抽筋,招财为其按脚却突然心感异样。Zhi Rong cramp, lucky to press the foot suddenly feel strange.

他神态安详,使他显得异样地庄严可敬。He wore an air of serenity which rendered him singularly venerable.

舞台灯光让大拱门的表面在夜间发出异样的光芒。Theatrical lights give the surface of the Gateway Arch a night sheen.

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艾拉有点脸红,生怕他们看到自己脸上的异样。Ella flushed a little, hoping that they wouldn’t see it in her cheeks.

异样道理肉以炖、煮、蒸为主,千万不能用油炒。Strange reason the meat to stew, boil, steam-based, do not use the Fry.

忽然,车队发现了茫茫白漠中的异样情况。Suddenly, the crew sees something different from the endless white space.

阅览室里所有的人都抬起头,异样地看着我。Everybody in the reading-room looked up from their books at me unfriendly.

四周一片听的见的寂静,连平常的声音听来也觉异样。There was an audible stillness. in which the common voice sounded strange.

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一小我不可以或许犯异样的错误两次。You ca strong't make the shaudio-videoe always possibly beene mistake twice.

维尔纳·贝克的眼睛对着杰斯特罗异样地闪闪发光,声音也颤料了。The eyes of Werner Beck strangely flashed at Jastrow, and his voice quavered.

心细的文老师发现了异样,提出要与马跃单独谈谈。The information the teacher found strange, even offered to talk to jump alone.

皮彻仍旧有点好奇,他注意到她这个上午的举止有些异样。Pitcher, , still mildly curious, noticed a difference in her ways this morning.

倘若你或是你的家人身体感觉异样,那都是因为营养缺乏、生活习惯问题所造成的。If you or a family member becomes ill due to poor nutrition and lifestyle habits.

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另一次,他遇见一个人,给了他一种异样的感受。On another occasion, he had an encounter which produced on him a singular effect.

目的研究颅骨骨纤维异样增殖症的MRI表现。Objective To study MRI findings of fibrous dysplasia involvement of cranial bones.

暴风雨肆虐了一整夜,但没有出现任何异样。The storm raged fiercely all that night, but nothing of particular note1 occurred.