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家是心之所归。Home is where the heart is.

环境科学,就是我的宿命所归!There was never any doubt that I would pick Environmental Science.

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当俯瞰大地时,一切,为之欣然所归。When to see the earth, everything for it and pleased by the return.

从那以后,琥珀屋的最终所归仍旧是一个谜。After that, what really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.

但这种责任被认为是天意所归或传统所定。However, this obligation was believed to come from divine commandment or from tradition.

他们为我付出的努力,他们对我的信任让我相信休斯顿是我命之所归。Their effort and their trust on me, make me believe that coming to Houston is my destination.

他不再认为那里是天堂,也不再认为那是我们死后之所归。He no longer thought of that world as heaven, nor did he still think that we get to go there when we die.

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但是这种解释一般经不起推敲。当新旧政权交替时,新政权总是以“天命所归”来证明自己的合法性。When the turn of the old regime, the new regime is always the "fate of the return" to prove their legitimacy.

那么同样,以色列民族能够在流亡世界无处所归之后,依旧建立起自己独立的国家是多么不容易。Therefore, the Israel people can still find a place to build up their lost independent country after so many years of traveling homeless.

精通法言法语,是时代的使命,是国家的召唤,更是我们的职责所在、命运所归。Be proficient in legal language, it is the mission of the times, it is the country's call, it is more our duty and our destiny is located there.

国为列国之首,人最着名,且为以色列家所归向,在锡安和撒玛利亚山安逸无虑的,有祸了。Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of Samaria, which are named chief of the nations, to whom the house of Israel came!