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那支歌曲令我们手舞足蹈。The song makes us dance for joy.

那节奏强劲的歌曲什么时候听什么时候令我们手舞足蹈。The song that swings makes us dance for joy.

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他讲起话来总是手舞足蹈的。He always gesticulated merrily when he had a talk.

另外,但凡他发现蚯蚓时,都会高兴得手舞足蹈,开心得不得了。He also got excited when he unearthed an earthworm.

知识使人笑口常开,财富使人手舞足蹈。Knowledge make one laugh, but wealth make one dance.

知识使人笑逐颜开,财富使人手舞足蹈。Knowledge makes one laugh, but wealth makes onlne dance.

好奇之下,他品尝了树叶,然后开始手舞足蹈。Inquisitive, he tasted the leaves and began to dance around.

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他手舞足蹈,优雅地比划着繁杂的手势。He is all flourishes, rococo gestures, and exquisite manners.

蒙蒙看到两个大坏蛋得到了应有的惩罚,高兴得手舞足蹈。Receive saw two big bad guys get punished, and danced for joy.

另一种方法,把屠夫移到那个继续手舞足蹈的地位。Either way, Turiaf has moved a step beyond towel-waving status.

郑正很骚地出场,拿着自己的光盘手舞足蹈来到餐厅。Cheng dances into the kitchen coquettishly, with his own disk in hand.

他拍手大叫,手舞足蹈一番,这才顺着石级走下。It gladdened him greatly, clapping his head with shout and dancing wildly.

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我一边说-,一边手舞足蹈。And I'm talking about myself and I'm swinging-- I'm using my hands as I talk.

那只狗手舞足蹈的在冰面上滑来滑去,一不小心打了滑。The dog dancing on the ice to slide to slide, and accidentally hit the slide.

当时,我真乐不可支,如果给我机会的话,我简直想手舞足蹈了。I'll feel overjoyed, almost to the point of waving my arms and stamping my feet.

乞丐高兴极了,手舞足蹈,高唱哈利路亚,然后把金子揣在怀里,回到他的地方睡觉。Then the beggar became very, very happy. He jumped around and sang "Hallelujah!"

三人中,要数爸爸讲的最多,他说起市场的事情常常是绘声绘色,手舞足蹈。Three people, is the father of the most, it is vivid, he talked about the market.

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八国峰会结束后布什总统这样说自己,他边说边手舞足蹈大笑。President George W. Bush at the G-8 Summit, as he punched the air and grinned widely.

当我走进家门,莫莉会手舞足蹈地跳起来。Mollie jumps up on her hind legs and does a little dance every time I walk in the door.

那个人在面试过程中一直在手舞足蹈,他不断说些‘我爱生活!The person was dancing during the interview. He kept saying things like, ‘I love life!