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朱红会从他的唇上消褪。The scarlet would pass away from his lips.

戏剧已经成为吴朱红生活中最闪亮的部分。Drama has become the most radiant part of her life.

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经文说罪仿如「朱红」和「丹颜」。It is spoken of as I being red like crimson or scarlet.

我再向外看时,他已抱了朱红的桔子往回走了。I looked out again, he had held the vermilion oranges back.

朱红线绳是给探子们的暗号,告诉他们她想获救。The scarlet cord was a sign to the spies she wanted to be rescued by them.

把朱红线绳系在她的窗户上,窗户就在城墙的一侧。Put a scarlet cord out of her window which was on the side of the city wall.

于是打发他们去了,又把朱红线绳系在窗户上。So she sent them away and they departed. And she tied the scarlet cord in the window.

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蒽醌衍生物原先孤立于真菌朱红丝膜菌血红。Anthraquinone derivatives were previously isolated from the fungus Dermocybe sanguinea.

花色有白。粉红。洋红。玫瑰红。紫红。朱红及复色。Design and color has white, pink, kermes, rosy, amaranthine, vermilion reach answer color.

花色有白。粉红。洋红。玫瑰红。紫红。朱红及复色。Design and color has white, pink, kermes, rosy, amaranthine , vermilion reach answer color.

我再向外看时,他已抱了朱红的橘子往回走了。When I looked out of the window again, he was walking back towards me with oranges in his arms.

它以镀金的竹子做成,轿杆以朱红真漆漆成,镶嵌着黄铜孔雀。It was made of gilded bamboo, and the poles were of vermilion lacquer studded with brass peacocks.

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它的身子涂作了朱红和姜黄两色,耳朵上挂着绯红的丝网。Its trunk was painted with vermilion and turmeric, and over its ears it had a net of crimson silk cord.

从入口到登机口,屋顶的颜色由朱红渐变成金黄。The colors in the roof start with vermilion red at the entrance and gradually shade to gold at the departure gates.

观音双目微闭下视,璎珞等装饰物严饰其身,下著朱红罗裙,立于莲花座上。Guanyin stands on the lotus throne with the half-closed eyes looking down and the body adorned by tassels and red dhoti.

而大峡谷的深处正沐浴在一派朱红的暮色苍茫中。Velvet black shadows emphasize their brilliance, while the depths of the canyon are flooded by an ocean of vermilion dusk.

大宫门上的朱红淡褪了,门钉上的金漆被剥落,昔日的浮华铅尘淹没在一片喧嚣中。Big ZhuGongDan faded on the door, the door up by gold lacquer spalling and former buckish lead dust submerged in a blatant.

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城墙巍巍耸立,外涂朱红,下筑券门洞,洞顶甚高,底阔3米多。Towering walls standing, red treated, the next door building coupons, Dong Ding high at the end of more than 3 meters in width.

在人们的潜意识中,两性因为朱红湿润的嘴唇而订婚,这是因为,它们象征着年轻、性以及繁殖子孙后代的能力。Subconsciously both sexes are engaged by scarlet wet lips because they symbolize youth, sex and reproductive ability of progeny.

暖色系这类指甲油主要包括朱红、大红、橘红、棕红等暖红色。Warm color fastens oil of this kind of fingernail to basically include vermilion , bright red, tangerine, palm red wait for warm red.