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树叶在微风中刷刷作响。Leaves rustled in the breeze.

这双鞋需要用鞋刷刷一下。These shoes need a shoe brush.

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刷刷牙,左和右。Brush my teeth, left and right.

刷刷牙,绕圈圈。Brush my teeth, round and round.

海滨的细浪刷刷地冲刷着海滨沙滩。Small waves swished on the shore.

树叶在微风中刷刷作响。Leaves rustled gently in the breeze.

我用这把板刷刷你的后背。I'll rub your back with thellos brush.

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把珠宝放进一杯可乐中,用牙刷刷一刷,然后泡着。Brush with a toothbrush and rinse well.

刷刷牙。摸摸鼻子。跳!Clean your teeth. Touch your nose. Jump.

水柜除锈并用钢丝刷刷净。Water tank to be de-rusted and wire-brushed.

苹果的脸颊刷的绯红色女刷刷或等量。Brush the apple of the cheeks with the Nu Colour?

她还没走过来,我就听到她丝绸衣服的刷刷声。I heard her silk clothes swished before she came in.

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“洗刷刷泡泡”全自动冲澡间清洁器,你冲澡间的女佣。Scrubbing Bubbles automatic shower cleaner, maid for your shower.

帮我刷刷这些盘子,行吗?---我做我那份家务。Helpme with the dishes, will you? ---I do my share of the housework.

但从来不会先起床,撒泡尿,刷刷该死的牙。But they never get up first, take a leak and brush their goddamn teeth.

在你开始化妆脸部之前,用一只柔软蓬松的毛刷刷去所有多余的粉。Use a soft, fat brush and blow away any excess before you start on your face.

定期的清理你的硬毛刷,把硬毛刷刷过金属制马梳。Periodically clean your dandy brush by stroking it across the metal curry comb.

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传统的清除方法是打磨、刮削和用钢丝刷刷洗。Traditionally, the removal method has been sanding, scraping and wire brushing.

快!快!洗脸穿衣服。洗洗刷刷一下。吃点早饭!快走吧!Hurry! Hurry! Wash and dress. Comb and brush. Eat some breakfast! Off you rush !

当指甲和表皮变软后,涂上一层修护霜,然后用指甲刷刷一下指甲。When your nail and cuticles get soften, apply a cold cream and brush your nails.