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他讲的是确凿不移的实情。He told the strict truth.

但是证据是确凿的。But the evidence is unmistakable.

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证据确凿,不容置疑。The evidence cannot admit of doubt.

你确凿对大作音乐很有欣赏力。You re'sly have an ear for pop music.

他用确凿的事实充实自己的论点。He fleshed out his argument with solid facts.

法官说,证据确凿。The judge said the evidence was overwhelming.

这是确凿的证据。And here is the smoking gun sentence right here.

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脑子受伤的证据是确凿无疑的。The evidence of brain injury is incontrovertible.

他以大量确凿的事实支持这个论点。You need more facts to buttress up your argument.

警方掌握了不利于该罪犯的确凿事实。The police have a clear case against the prisoner.

我刚才已把它们念给你们听了,而且这些事实都是确凿的。I have just read them to you, and they are all true.

对于确凿的原因,经济学家们并没有强作结论。The economists don't pretend to know the exact causes.

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这些隐藏在香浓的泡沫之下的担心,有没有确凿的证据呢?Are there grounds for concern under the aromatic froth?

他以大量确凿的事实支持这个论点。He buttressed up the argument with lots of solid facts.

在无情的光天化日下,这个事实是确凿无疑的。The fact stood out cut in stetl on the pitiless daylight.

在这样确凿的事实面前,他惊得哑口无言。In the face of such irrefutable FACTS, he was struck dumb.

一名当地法官已经否决了坎娜特的案子,“记录中不存在有效的确凿证据。A local judge has already ruled against Kainat in the case.

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此案因缺乏确凿证据而不予授理。The case was dismissed in the absence of any definite proof.

我们找到一些牵连他们两人罪证确凿的证据。We found some damning evidence that implicated both of them.

不要发出论点,除非你对行动或话语有确凿的理由。Have a valid reason for actions or words before issuing them.