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他们都是美亚混血儿。They were Amerasians.

卢平是混血儿?。Lupin is a half-blood.

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他还记得自己辱骂美亚混血儿的事情。He remembers taunting Amerasians.

艾丽森的父亲汉克也是混血儿。Alison's father Hank is bi-racial.

给我的混血儿子讲的关于人种的教导。Lessons on race for my biracial son.

他们管我叫混血儿或其他的什么。Them call me half-caste or whatever.

一对无子女的夫妇领养了这个混血儿。A childless couple adopted the half-breed.

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我告诉她,我长的又高又壮,还是个混血儿。I told her I was tall, broad and mixed race.

但第二代混血儿就不同了。But second-generation children are different.

载我的出租车司机是个年轻而又风度翩翩的黑白混血儿。The taxi driver, a dashing young mulatto, asked

人类和女妖的混血儿可以施放加速和减速魔法。Human and succubus hybrids can cast haste and slow.

我是日本和爱尔兰的混血儿。I'm a half, yeah. I'm half Japanese and half Irish.

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这些美亚混血儿太不可思议了。"These Amerasians are pretty amazing, " Nancy said.

基因工程创造这百日草混血儿的花。Genetic engineering created this zinnia hybrid flower.

人类和魅魔的混血儿可以施放加速和减速魔法。Shamans ? Human and succubus hybrids can cast haste and slow.

对美亚混血儿来说,前往新生活的旅程要艰难得多。For Amerasians the journey to a new life would be much tougher.

这个小女孩上六年级,是中韩混血儿。This sixth grader is Chinese-Korean and remembers Ward's visit.

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血腥凶残的乌托邦和幻灭的时代产下了混血儿。The hybrid child of a murderous utopia and a disenchanted époque.

而“黑白混血儿”则是葡萄牙人和非洲奴隶所生的后裔。"Mulattoes" are descendents of the Portuguese and African slaves.

欧亚混血儿并非生来就沐浴于公众关心的温煦的光辉之中。Eurasians have not always basked in the warm glow of public attention.