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我想你可以把我称作'雅皮士'吧。I guess you can call me a yuppy.

他们成了80年代的雅皮士!They became the yuppies of the 80's!

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白袜队的球迷是蓝领,小熊队的球迷是雅皮士。Sox fans are blue-collar, Cubs fans are yuppies.

雅皮士简直是尤伯罗斯天生的追随者。The yuppies are Ueberroth's natural constituency.

这是蔓延于办公室的雅皮士流感的症状。This is a case of yuppie flu, which is contagious in offices.

我们的附近最近成了一个雅皮士聚集的场所。Our neighborhood has recently become a yuppie gathering place.

你开始理解为什么人们把这叫做女性雅皮士的海洛因。You begin to see why people call this the female yuppie heroin.

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“胡同鬼子”是80年代伦敦雅皮士的中国版,是智人的进化体,与“基金二代”也有亲密的血缘关系。" Hutongsters " are China's version of London's yuppies in the 1980s.

站在色拉柜旁边哪个披头散发的女人有点像90年代的雅皮士。That woman standing by the salad ark looks a bit like GenX of the 1990s.

雅皮士的理想是快速致富,然后花掉、花掉、花掉,不积存。The yuppie ideal to get rich quick and then spend, spend, spend, no longer exists.

站在色拉柜旁边哪个披头散发的女人有点像90年代的雅皮士。That woman with hair dishevelled who stand by salad cabinet is a little likes yuppie in 90th age.

中国的雅皮士是需求的推动者,购买包括名表、进口车等一切奢侈品。Chinese yuppies are driving the demand, buying everything from expensive watches to imported cars.

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它甚至还引起了一定程度上的媒体怀疑论——一度被称为“雅皮士流感”。It has even attracted a certain degree of media scepticism—being dubbed, at one time, “yuppie flu”.

这种价位按照大陆的标准不算便宜,但对中国越来越多的“雅皮士”游客来说是承受得起的。That's pricey by mainland standards, but affordable for the growing crowds of yuppie domestic tourists.

指雅皮士的生活状态,有孩子后夫妻二人中有一人辞职在家看孩子。What Yuppies turn into when they have children and one of them stops working to stay home with the kids.

雅皮士是20世纪80年代和90年代初的一个术语,指有经济保障的20-30岁出头的中上阶层年轻人。Yuppie is a 1980s and early 1990s term for financially secure, upper-middle class young people in their 20s and early 30s.

我仔细看了里面的一些图片,我觉得,其描绘的是这个人民共和国的雅皮士生活。Let me go through a few of the factoids, which paint, I think, a telling picture of what it's like to be a yuppie in the People's Republic.

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那些雅皮士少年,包括我的孩子在内,都不必等到夏天到来便可享受到无花果那具有异国情调的美味。Yuppie children, mine among them, do not have to wait for the arrival of summer to titillate their palates with the exotic sensuality of figs.

悲观主义者预言将看不到浦东区金碧辉煌的摩天大楼,腹地上偷偷地建立起一座座魔鬼般的城市,雅皮士们又陷入债务之中。When the pessimists dreamed of China they did not see Pudong’s glittering skyline, but newly built ghost cities hidden in the hinterland and yuppies drowning in debt.

这些观众,从大学生到雅皮士,穿黑色体恤衫戴银色首饰,投入的舞者和听者,外国人和中国人,全都成为了演出的一部分。The audience—from college students to Yappies, people wearing black T-shirts and silver jewelry, slam dancers and listeners, foreigners and Chinese—gradually became part of the show.