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大口径的MT4主轴。Large MT4 spindle bore.

取下主轴螺帽和垫圈。Remove a shaft nut and washer.

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主轴鼻子上金格里米勒。Spindle nose on Gingery miller.

主轴孔的大小是105毫米。The spindle bore size is 105mm.

主轴和丝杠的导入。Spindle and leadscrew is imported.

运输安装主轴的控制杆。Carriage mounted spindle control lever.

显著均衡的3马力主轴电机。Dynamically balanced 3 HP spindle motor.

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大直径主轴羽毛是镀铬。Large diameter spindle quill is chromed.

通过对主轴位置的控制。Through the control of spindle position.

主轴线回转的光栅修理起来。The main grating fix up in the gyre axis.

把主轴颈抛光至镜面。Polish the crosshead pin to mirror surface.

主轴采用变频电机。Spindle is drived by variable-frequency motor.

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主轴自动进给行程?。Main axle auto-feed traveling schedule????50mm.

时间是一个主轴,所以我必须解决其中心。Time is a spindle so I must resolve its center.

主轴的碟形弹片的润滑与清洁。Lubricating and cleaning spindle coned disk spring.

为表,膝,主轴鹅毛笔,公羊正锁。Positive locks for table, knee, spindle quill, ram.

世博轴式浦东世博园区的主轴线。The Expo Axis is the main axis in Pudong Expo Site.

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采用内藏式水冷高速电主轴,低噪音,低震动。Low noise low tremble water-cooled electric spindle.

它控制主轴马达转动和磁头运动。It controls spindle motor rotation and heads movements.

子叶和未来称为下胚轴的主轴延长。Cytyledons and future stalk called the hypocotyl elongate.