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把下列各十进制换算成以8为基值的数。Convert the following denary numbers base 8.

十进制以十为进位的数字系统。Of or relating to the decimal number system.

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这个国家在1975年把货币改为十进制。The country decimalized the currency in 1975.

把下列各十进制换算成以8为基值的数。Convert the following denary numbers to base 8.

二进制数11001转换成十进制数是25。Binary number 11001 convert decimal number is 25.

有人移动十进制的小数点!Someday changed the position of the decimal point!

允许您定制十进制格式的模式。Allows you to customize the decimal format pattern.

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十进制的整数是一个数字序列。A base-10 integer is written as a sequence of digits.

然而,他们几乎都用相同的方式数数,都是十进制。However, they nearly all counted in the same way-in tens.

现在我们用8为基值,来记一个十进制的数,如9310。We now try to write a denary number, say 9310, in base 8.

这个整数可以是十进制,八进制,或十六进制。Values can be expressed in decimal, octal , or hexadecimal.

在“编辑DWORD值”的“基数”框中单击以选择“十进制”。In Edit DWORD Value, click to select Decimal in the Base box.

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英国货币改为十进制被认为是欧洲战争中最重要的事件。D-day is considered the dominating event of the war in Europe.

英国于1971年开始使用十进制的1便士和2便士硬币。In 1971, the 1p and 2p decimal coins were introduced in Britain.

将十进制数216转换为十六进制数是D8。Will decimal number for hexadecimal number 216 conversion is D8.

英国废弃旧币制,改为十进制。Britain converted her money from the old system to a decimal one.

可以用十进制、十六进制或八进制记数法定义整数常数Integer constants can be defined in decimal, hex or octal notation

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它使用的思想和十进制乘法算法的思想相同。This follows the same idea as the decimal multiplication algorithm.

区域ID可写成整个数字或写成点十进制记数。Area IDs can be written as a whole number or dotted decimal notation.

设计一个程序,输入四个一位十进制数,用4个LED显示出来。Design a program, enter a decimal number four, with four LED display.