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我现在爽快地原谅你。I freely forgive you now.

“是的,”我儿子爽快地说.”"Yes," my son said brightly.

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“是的,”我儿子爽快地说.”"Yes, " my son said brightly.

他对自己也不肯爽爽快快承认。He had never quite admitted to himself.

我从来没有见过像她这样爽快的人.I've never met anyone as cheery as she is.

不加思考,我爽快的接受这份工作。So I accepted the job without much hesitation.

其中一个说,“这样更爽快,而且更安全。”"It's better and it's safer, " one racer said.

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我爽爽快快地把我的想法告诉了他。I told him what I thought in no uncertain terms.

“当然不会。”利弗西大夫爽快地回答。Not a thought, ' replied Doctor Livesey, cheerily.

出去透透空气,一定会使我精神爽快得多。An airing would do me a great deal of good, I am sure.

他是个身材高大、性格爽快的人,很快就直切主题。He is a tall, jovial man who quickly gets to the point.

他爽快地付钱请大家喝酒。He planked down the money and called for drinks for everyone.

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约翰爽快地付钱请大家喝酒。John planked down the money and called for drinks for everyone.

温度也爽快地降到了三十度以下,好不清凉。The temperature falls down below 30 degrees Celsius. It's so cool.

爽爽快快告诉我,你究竟跟他订婚了没有?Lady Catherine, I have nothing farther to say. You know my sentiments.

既然天气这么热,我觉得结束工作后喝一杯啤酒将会特别爽快。Since it is hot today, I’m sure a beer after work will taste wonderful.

游戏中可以乘坐的将近一百种载具则使攻关更加轻松爽快。Adding in around 100 different vehicles only makes the game more enjoyable.

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她说话爽快,总是坦白地说出她对别人的看法。She never minces her words and always tells others what she thinks of them.

杂文笔锋犀利、言语泼辣,读来让人倍感爽快。Essay writing, speech and vigorous, sharp read to make people feel refreshing.

虽然工资不高,但是做得很开心,老板和他的老婆都是爽快人,所以每天都是快快乐乐的。Even the salary is not high, I have fun at work as the nice owner and his wife.