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我们是金贵的,也是慵懒的。We are precious and lazy.

一匹马有多金贵?What's a horse more or less?

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耶稣的言论比金子还金贵。Jesus' words are more precious than gold.

七月知道每一次拍摄多么金贵和重要!Meer knows how Jingui each shot and important!

卓久传达了李剑的命令,在赵家圩子制造混乱,牵制赵金贵。Convey ZhuoJiu keyboard commands in zhao WeiZi create chaos, contain Zhao Jingui.

李胖子见到冯景仲,说要有紧急事情告诉赵金贵。Fatty see Feng Jingzhong, li said he would have urgent things to tell Zhao Jingui.

在第三季中,赫布利零星出镜,作为金贵祥的美国表弟,马尔吉特。During the third season, however, Season Hubley made sporadic appearances as Caine's American cousin, Margit.

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“没准很合适呢,从那儿。”他说,“在今天的肯尼亚给恩迦块地儿可是越来越金贵了。”"Perhaps it is fitting, at that, " he said. "There has been precious little room for Ngai in today's Kenya. "

赵金贵终于突破了刘副团长的防线,来到了霍山城的外围。Zhao Jingui finally broke through the deputy head of the defence, liu came to huoshan the outskirts of the city.

解吸载金炭中的含金贵液,不需电解,用GSR沉金试剂直接将金提取。The expensive liquid of gold in the gold charcoal, take electrolytic, sink with GSR gold reagent draw gold directly.

苏醒的伙计拼命抱住赵金贵的双腿,赵金贵摔倒,手枪飞出,被红九嫂捡起来。The man tried to embrace Zhao Jingui legs of awakening, Zhao Jingui falls, pistol, red nine sister-in-law pick it up.

赵金贵以红九嫂做人质要挟黄占魁,最终被三人联手制服。Zhao Jingui with red nine sister-in-law hostage to coerce Huang Zhankui, has finally been three people to the uniform.

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“金贵”商标是湖南省著名商标,并于2007年在英国、美国获准注册。The brand "Jingui" is a Famous Trademark in Hunan Province and was approved for registration in the UK and USA in 2007.

至少,与吴金贵的前任吉梅内斯比较起来,吴金贵在这个方面就做得十分“不得体”。To few, compares with Wu Jingui's Predecessor lucky Maness , Wu Jingui makes the ten points in this aspect not to be inappropriate.

几家公司没有在中国和印度出现测试,那里男孩比女孩金贵,发现是女性的胎儿会被打掉。Several companies do not sell tests in China or India, where boys are prized over girls and fetuses found to be female have been aborted.

赵老爷和三姨太慰问因掩护赵金贵而负伤的冯景仲,冯景仲得知赵金贵安然无恙后,甚感欣慰。Zhao lords and injured three aunts too sympathy for cover Zhao Jingui Feng Jingzhong, learned Feng Jingzhong Zhao Jingui safe, very pleased.

红九嫂把混入蒙汗药的酒端给赵金贵喝,狡猾的赵金贵发现后与红九嫂对峙。Red nine putting the mixed with mickey Finn Zhao Jingui side to drink wine, cunning Zhao Jingui discovered with red nine sister-in-law confrontation.

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很显然,冰酒生产试用的葡萄,很金贵,是要看天时的美酒,只有天公作美的年景才有可能生产。Obviously, ice grape wine production trial, very precious, is to see weather the wine of god to make the United States, only the year can be production.

而接下来的拍戏生活,让她更加深深地体会到水的金贵,缺水给剧组拍戏带来的诸多不便。While filming the next life, let her feel more deeply Jingui water, water shortages brought about by the production crew filming a lot of inconvenience.

八仙镇来报,土匪抢劫了张大户等和赵家沾亲带故的大户的粮食,赵金贵勃然大怒。The eight immortals town to quote, such as bandits robbed a giants and zhao share with relatives and friends of the large grain, Zhao Jingui flew into a rage.