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蹦跳的鱼跃出水面。The jumping fish broke.

你蹦跳着上楼梯。You scamper up that ladder.

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一只鹿蹦跳着跑进了树林。A deer skittered into the woods.

我看见她在过道边蹦跳着移动。I saw her hobble down the aisle.

不要在藤艺家具上蹦跳。Not be on cany art furniture skip.

像快活的半正矢般在蹦蹦跳。Cuts capers like a happy haversine.

不能再有猴子在床上蹦蹦跳了!No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

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拉起客人蹦蹦跳!Pulls up the visitor to jump jumps!

于是两只小猴子在床上蹦蹦跳。So two little monkeys jumped on the bed.

那儿有很多嬉戏蹦跳的儿童。There are many children gamboling around.

在电梯运行过程中,请勿在电梯内蹦跳。Please do not jump in the running elevator.

顾问上涨蹦跳指责扣头。the counselor bounced up to denounce discount.

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当我听到你的声音时,我肚子里的婴孩便蹦蹦跳!When I heard your voice, the baby inside me leaped!

现在,房子里已经乱得不能让他蹦跳了,所以他这才开始打扫。And now he can´t play hippety-hop until he cleans up.

孩子们,还有狗在草地上蹦跳嬉戏。The children and their dog were romping about on the grass.

话音刚落,梭子突然从她手中滑落,蹦跳着跑到门口。Just then the shuttle jumped from her hand and out the door.

我的大脚用来踢敌人,也能用它快速地蹦跳。I use my large feet to kick enemies and also can hop very quickly.

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马修一如既往地在各种音乐中无节奏地蹦跳。Mathieu consistently bounced out of sync to various musical tempos.

我放肆的呼天抢地的大声欢笑,疯狂的欲神欲仙的蹦跳。I boldly said laughing out loud, crazy for the gods wish fairy jump.

团长蹦蹦跳先生,是世界上绝无仅有、空前绝后的跳蚤大师。Head Mr. Beng Bengtiao, is unique in the world, unprecedented flea master.