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笑意从她唇上渐渐消逝了。The laughter died on her lips.

点染出她眼里的笑意。Enrich that smile her eyes began.

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她听说有个地方人人有笑意She heard about a place people were smilin

男人侧脸望着你,面上有笑意。The man looked at your face, face a smile.

你嘴角的笑意死气沉沉The smile on your mouth was the deadest thing

玩笑最终让这个穿着西装的人有了点笑意。The joke finally made the man in a suit smile.

“喂,毕恩,”吉米带着冷淡的笑意说。"Hello, Ben, " Jimmy said with a strange smile.

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她紧闭着的嘴出现了一丝笑意。A faint smile relaxed the drawn lines of her mouth.

素玖玖哼了一声,但脸上的笑意却是无论如何也掩饰不了的。Pigment for hum, but smile is also impossible in any case.

“是啊,一样,”马修随声附和,脸上笑意隐约。“Yeah, the same, ” Matthew echoed, a dim grin on his face.

她留着漂亮的长发,微笑着露出酒窝,一双眼睛也显示着热情的笑意。She had beautiful long hair, a dimpled grin and warm smiling eyes.

她来了,撑一柄黑色遮阳伞,绿裙,带着盈盈的笑意。She comes, hold a black umbrella, green skirt, with graceful smile.

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“这么说,你没有浪费一点时间,是吗?”他说着,脸上露出了一丝笑意。"You didn't lose any time, did you?" he remarked, smiling a little.

然那笑意却带着轻蔑,他凝视着年轻的渔夫。But there was disdain in it. He kept looking at the young Fisherman.

他解释着,嘴角的笑意有些黯淡,某种生硬的味道在他的语气中蔓延开来。His smile faded as he explained, and a hard edge crept into his voice.

因为在月考中我们班级得了第一,老师满脸的笑意。The teacher smiles as our class won the first place in the monthly exam.

尽管脸上写满了笑意,但还是努力说得很平淡很平淡,不透露一丝喜悦。Though with smile, I tried my best not to show any gladness in my voice.

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她使每一个人,无论是顾客还是同事,都面带笑意,心情愉快。She made everyone smile and feel good, customers and fellow-workers alike.

如果我生气,你就哭好了。”他带着点笑意说。If I'm angry, you can always burst into tears, ' he said, with a half-smile.

他的脸上带着深情的笑意,手里捏着两张去特内里费岛的机票。With a fond smile upon his face and two air tickets to Teneriffe in his hand.