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于是我鼓起劲,终于爬上了顶点。I climbed to the top finally.

惠珍起劲去关怀丈夫。HuiZhen turned to care for her husband.

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他弄到几本新书,起劲地读起来。He obtained some new books and waded in.

那个男孩坐在高处起劲地唱。The boy sat on the perch and sang lustily.

巨大的起劲确保了我们工作的成功。Gret efforts ensure the success of our work.

“海鲢鱼,”他很起劲地回答道,“很好吃。”"Lady fish," he eagerly replied. "Very tasty!"

起劲步履则是架在川上的桥梁。Efforts to frame action is on a bridge in Sichuan.

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爱弥儿已经在那里开始割草了,他干得十分起劲。Emil had already begun work and was mowing vigorously.

他们越干越起劲。The more they worked, the more energetical they became.

他们非常起劲地谈着度假计划。They talked of their holiday plans with great animation.

他起劲地工作,几个小时就做完了。He ploughed into his work and finished it in a few hours.

我们起劲地干了起来,一个下午就把整所房子打扫乾净了。We turn to and get the whole house clean in an afternoon.

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杰克接过酒猛灌了一口,年轻猎人们起劲地欢呼着鼓掌。Jake takes a long, hearty drink as some of the young hunters

秋秋很兴奋,也就忙得特别起劲。Qiuqiu was also quite excited and thus particularly zealous.

别的孩于同意了,他们就都起劲地挖起沙来。The others agreed and they all began to dig hard in the sand.

他们正在起劲打造一台程序节制计算机。They are working hard to produce a program-controlled computer.

这些年轻学生越干越起劲。The more young students worked , the more energetic they became.

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我生完气,就加倍努力,于是更起劲。When I finished sulkins, I double my efforts and worked even harder.

我没有听见你给我打电话,我刚才学得正起劲呢。I didn't hear you calling me because i was in the zone with my study.

除非我们开始起劲消费,我们永远也不会体验真正的快乐。Unless we start consuming in earnest, we’ll never experience real joy.