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点菜时注意凉、热搭配,投其所好。Attention is cool, hot order is tie-in, cast its.

哦?这位郡王爷似乎很会投其所好。This county Wang Ye seems to be good at to throw it like.

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这就需要你用心记忆,投其所好。This requires that you carefully remember, psychographic.

艾弗里对于鞋子可谓情有独钟,但并非所有的鞋都能投其所好,细高跟鞋才是她的最爱。Avery has fallen head over heels for shoes. And not just any shoes.

很多总裁身边的人都只是投其所好。Many executives surround themselves with people who think like they do.

如果你可以从约翰。伯朗的眼神中看穿约翰。伯朗,你就可以投其所好。If you can see John Brown through John Brown's eyes, you can sell John Brown what John Brown bugs.

女为悦己者容,伊丽莎白为了投其所好,决定去做隆胸手术。Women who have capacity for Yue, Elizabeth to match up, decided to do breast augmentation surgery.

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就如我们在其他书中详细解释过的那样,你得投其所好,才能得到基金设立者的资助。As we have explained in detail in our other books, you must meet the funder's agenda to receive an award.

投其所好,不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有,甚至对对方亳无认识。They are only interested in the time that they are together. They may not even know each other well enough.

我投其所好,编造了一段销售经历,并从朋友那里现学了一套渠道销售策略。I threw its good, invented a period of sales experience, and from friends now learn a set of channel sales strategy.

你要能够获悉读者的兴趣,并投其所好贯穿文章始末。You have to be able to capture the interest of your readers and hold it from the beginning of your article to the end.

人类总喜欢对一件事情持评判态度,而媒体正是投其所好,所以要找到一份职业的缺陷总是很容易的。Media being what it is and human beings loving to gossip as they do, it's always easier to learn the bad about a career.

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如果重视在这个拥有十三亿人口的国家里发展,投其所好不仅明智,而且必然。Currying favour with the Chinese is both sensible and necessary if you are serious about growing in a nation with 1.3 billion people.

自我介绍时要投其所好摆成绩,这些成绩必须与现在应聘公司的业务性质有关。Introduces oneself to cast its place good results, these results must set and now apply for nature of the business company concerned.

同时,这些新兴消费者对顶级奢侈品牌产品偏爱有加,而这些品牌的老板们也开始急切地投其所好。These emerging consumers have a big appetite for the top luxury brands-and the owners of those brands are increasingly keen to oblige.

记得哪本书上说四阿哥是个信佛的来着,澜惠觉着自己这样也算是投其所好了。Remember which in the paperback say four the elder brother is a deem a Buddha of, the Lan Hui feels ego so also once and for all dart it good.

大焊接产业的商人都能适应“任何人掌管,我们都会投其所好。The businessmen at Big Weld Industries are adaptable in that brown-nose corporate way of "whoever's in charge, that's who we're going to be like."

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瑞典首相弗雷德里克?赖因费尔特投其所好,送给布什一套本国制造的“有着舒适把柄”的割草机。In that vein, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrick Reinfeldt honored the US leader with a made-in-Sweden power saw equipped "with comfort grip handles".

找女朋友要投其所好,设身处地的为她着想。这意味着你要了解工作需求,搞清楚自己的角色定位。You should cater to her likes, think what she thinks. That means you are supposed to think a lot of job requirements, and make clear your role definition.

你如遇见商贾、官僚、政客、军阀,都不妨察颜观色,投其所好,大吹而特吹之。When you meet a businessman, bureaucrat, politician or warlord, you can, after gathering each and every mood of them, start boasting wildly to cater to their likes.