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这个比方打得好。The analogy was well meant.

拿马赛中的赌博人做比方。Take bettors at a horse race.

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这个比方有点驴唇不对马嘴。The analogy is rather farfetched.

比方,我真的学会了芬兰语。For example, I actually learned Finnish.

比方说当你复制一个代码词典的时候。When you copy a dictionary, for example.

比方说for和while循环语句。These are things like FOR and WHILE loops.

此词在这儿取的是它的比方意义。The word here is used in its figurative sense.

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“就如同和你的女朋友结婚”,陈雪丽打了个比方。“It’s like marrying your girlfriend, ” he says.

比方说链表中的元素个数。For example, the number of elements in the list.

比方说,你可以尝试着每天疾走,参加瑜伽课,用新鲜水果代替饼干,或和朋友分享大餐。Try a yoga class. Trade cookies for fresh fruit.

对,就是这个意思我可能,比方说,就是一只袜子。Yeah that's right. I might be a metaphorical sock.

例如说你想当医生,比方说专读心理学专业的。if you want to be a doctor, like Psychology major.

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为了进一步解释他的观点,周铁东使用鱼来作比方。Zhou uses the analogy of fish to explain his point.

比方说这幅自画像旁边的那副就是假的。Alongside this authentic self-portrait is an imposter.

比方说,我对虚拟存储和核心内核很熟悉For example, I know the VM and core kernel really well

比方说你想去买手机,但是你从来没有用过手机。For example, let’s say you want to buy a mobile phone.

比方说,在瑞士银行往我名下存进一大笔钱。Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank.

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比方说我会把秋元才加当成我的对手。For instance I'd say Akimoto Sayaka is like my opposite.

比方说,感觉恐惧的行为方面There's the behavioral aspect of feeling fear, let's say.

比方说,我们现在要做实验报告。Well, for example, we have a lab report that we're doing.