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唉。你这儿有苜蓿锤么?。Sigh. Do you have any lucern hammers?

家畜吃早春的苜蓿而上膘。Herds are fattening on the early clover.

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家畜吃早春的苜蓿而长肥。Herds are fattening on the early clover.

她转弯走进苜蓿巷。She turned the corner into Clover Close.

库柏将考尔伯的铜色苜蓿砍了。Cooper cut Culver's copper-colored clover.

苜蓿根和根颈腐烂病的症状。Symptoms of Crown and Root Rot of Alfalfa.

苜蓿对天天来说是最好的牧草种类。Alfalfa is the best type of hay for a cavy.

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苜蓿是家畜的一种重要饲草作物。Alfalfa is an important forage for livestock.

两种苜蓿植物的核型分析。Karyotype analysis of two species of Medicago.

长草坪上长满了三叶草和苜蓿,也有很多雏菊。Trefoil and clover cover the long lawn, daisies too.

可以种植饲料类作物,比如四叶草和苜蓿。Forage crops like clover and alfalfa could be planted.

我从横木上跳下来,揪住了苜蓿和猫尾草。I jump from the cross-beams and seize the clover and timothy.

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苜蓿根和根颈腐烂病的病原研究。Identification of Pathogens of Crown and Root Rot of Alfalfa.

有些人相信,四叶苜蓿给人带来好运。Some people believe that a four-leaf clover brings good luck.

迄今,新疆已报道苜蓿病害24种,病原35种。Up to now, 24 alfalfa diseases and 35 pathogens were reported.

瞬时水分利用效率以敖汉苜蓿最高。WUE of Aohan alfalfa was the highest in all alfalfa varieties.

她还有一个四叶苜蓿,四叶苜蓿也代表着幸运。In these case a four-leaf- clovers are also a symbol of good luck.

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烟蓟马是杂草地和苜蓿田的优势害虫。Thrips tabaci Lindemau was a dominant pest species in both fields.

带着四叶苜蓿穿越毒藤时,你会得到什么呢?。What do you get when you cross poison ivy with a four-leaf clover?

每片提供500毫克的苜蓿叶紫花苜蓿粉。Each tablet supplies 500 mg of Alfalfa leaf powder Medicago sativa.