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他钻营谋求加薪。He bucked for a raise.

他暗通关节,钻营投机挤进了委员会。He bribed himself onto the committee.

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我们痛恨同业,因为他们永远比我们会钻营。We hate our peers because they always seem to get ahead of us.

中国钻营发展既不破损他人,更不恐吓他人。China's development will not bring harm or pose a threat to anyone.

他竭力钻营,试图在学校的每一个俱乐部寻求主席职位。He tried to hack his way to the presidency of every club on campus.

不要钻营于利益之中,没有未来的考量,只有现在。Look for no profit out of it, see no future in it, just the present.

于连的钻营以及他的失败在司汤达所生活的那个时代,是具有典型性的。Julien's social climbing and his failure was typical in Stendhal's time.

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从内阁办公室到公共医疗卫生服务,到处都能看到咨询师和顾问们四处奔走钻营的身影。Consultants crawled over everything from the Cabinet Office to the health service.

本人所筹备分开今朝的事项岗位,独一理由是为钻营更高的职位。The only reason why I am leaving the present position is I want an object to better myself.

如果可能,绝不钻营事业,他嘲笑那些整天忙忙碌碌的俗人。If possible, he never bends his mind to do cause. He derides common people who bustle all day.

曾经他一呼百诺,党内异议者痛遭围剿,想分享权利与利益者钻营不已。Those hoping to share power and partake in the spoils curried his favor. Now he has fallen from grace.

看来不善钻营带来的只有坏处,但不善钻营而强钻,是否不会被碰得体无完肤?It seems not only brought a harm, but not a strong drill, if not be touched was injured all over the body?

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我不想听你那些为钻营功名富贵而设计出来的诈巧虚伪的论述。I don't want to hear your tricky and fictitious words designed for cheating of fame, honor, wealth and rank.

有些老鼠,来到城市,善于钻营,虽然出入不甚雅致,但也可以肥硕而毛色亮泽。Some rats, came to the city, be good at climbing, although access is not very elegant, but can also be fat and hair color bright.

不要紧,你既可以保持原有的友谊,也可以结交新朋友——不必非得用被有些人称为“卑鄙的钻营”的那些技俩。No matter, you can still keep up friendships and make new contacts – without having to resort to some the tactics some would call "sleazy marketing".

法国方面公布,正在钻营参选国际货币基金构造的女财长拉加德将于近期访华,寻求中国对她的支持。France announced that the International Monetary Fund election is personal gain female Finance Minister Christine Lagarde structure will soon visit China, seek China's support for her.