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请把那本词典给我。Give me the dictionary.

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把那本词典扔给我。Throw me that dictionary.

我的词典丢了。I have lost my dictionary.

我可以用你的词典吗?May I use your dictionary?

他把我的词典扔了回来。He threw my dictionary back.

那本词典我看不懂。That dictionary is above me.

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词典在书包里边。The dictionary isin the bag.

这就是为什么你用词典。That's why you're using a dict.

你买那本词典花了多少钱?The journey will cost too much.

请你把词典借我好吗?Will you lend me your dictionary?

他从书桌上拿了一本词典。He took a dictionary from the desk.

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这个词查一查词典吧。Look up the word in the dictionary.

来自词典中神话的同义词是“理性”。A synonym from the lexicon is logos.

你能介绍一本好词典吗?Can you recommend a good dictionary?

老师借给她一本词典。The teacher loaned her a dictionary.

维基在线词典插件。WikiPedia on-line dictionary plugin.

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一部常用同义词辨析词典。A very practical synonymy dictionary.

编词典需要耐心。Compiling a dictionary asks patience.

你知道那本词典在哪儿吗?Do you know where the dictionary is ?