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那儿有一座石桥。There is a stone bridge.

公元1176年,第一座石桥建起来了。In 1176 the first stone bridge was constructed.

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在我的学校与动九年级上册英语短语物园之间是一座石桥。Between my school and the zoo is a stone bridge.

沉重的拖拉机给石桥以很大压力。The heavy tractors put stress on the stone bridge.

这座石桥是那座木桥的两倍长。This stone bridge is twice the length of the wood one.

村子附近有一座著名的漂亮的古代石桥。There is a famous fine old stone bridge near the village.

河面上是一个又小又老又破旧的灰色石桥。It was a broken small old gray stone bridge over the river.

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羊肠小路上,房顶上,石桥上都笼上了一层朦胧的薄雾。Mule path, the roof, stone Bridges are cage on a hazy mist.

这座石桥有17个桥洞,叫十七孔桥。This stone bridge with 17 arches, called the seventeen hole bridge.

有一天,他们越过了宫殿背后的古老的中国石桥。One day they crossed the old Chinese stone bridge behind the palace.

罗迪公园里建于16世纪的八墩石桥。Eight tiered, 16th century stone bridge called Athpula in Lodi Gardens.

这第一座美丽的中国小白石桥有7个拱洞。The first beautiful little white Chinese stone bridge had seven arches.

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清名桥是著名的横跨在古运河上的单拱石桥。Qing Ming Bridge is a famous one-arched stone bridge across the Grand Canel.

路边的小河道和一座座石桥再一次印证了它水城这个名字。The small river courses and stone bridges prove again that it is a water city.

石桥码头是韦伊导航系统可追溯到1635年的一部分。Stonebridge Wharf is part of the Wey Navigation System which dates back to 1635.

石桥与碧波清流浑然一体,水景桥景,相得益彰。Bibo stone bridge and a clean seamless, Waterscape King Bridge, complement each other.

村子的前面有一条月牙一样的小河,河上有一座石桥。The river in front of the village as a crescent moon, on the river has a stone bridge.

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桥大多为石桥,有直桥,曲桥,拱桥。Most of the bridges in this garden are stone, including straight, winding and arched bridges.

石桥由灰浆结合在一起的石头墩子、桥台和桥拱组成。Stone bridges consist of pillars, abutments and arches made up of stones held together by mortar.

桥大多为石桥,有直桥、曲桥、拱桥。Most of the bridges in these gardens are of stone, including straight, winding and arched bridges.