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守望,在天庭之窗。Wathing form heaven's window.

长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。Night gathers, and now my watch begins.

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以扩张的形体和温柔的眼神把你们守望。With dilated form and lambent eyes watch'd you.

置生活于繁华之上,让荣耀成为一种守望。On the bustling life in the home, as a glory to watch.

那伙人逃跑了,让他们的守望员当了替罪羊。The gang ran off and left their lookout as a fall guy.

那伙人逃跑了,让他们守望员当了替罪羊。The gang ran off and left their lookout at a fall guy.

有人声从西珥呼问我,说,守望的阿,夜里如何。He calleth to me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night?

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我不愿麦里克独自居住,就像一个灯塔守望人那样。I did not want Merrick to live by himself, like a man in a lighthouse.

永夜将至,我从今开端守望,至死方休。Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.

我设立守望的人照管你们,说,要听角声。Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet.

即使爱情不能天长地久,但母爱是我一生的守望。Even if love can not be everlasting, but maternal love of my life to watch.

让自己守望在有你的每一个路口,把想你想成了一种伤,一种灼人的伤.Guard at every crossing where stand you and miss you into a scorching pain.

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从早到晚,都有人守望着赛微乐街福克先生的住宅……Messengers were despatched to the house in Saville Row morning and evening.

希望您在守望过的开心愉快,爱的深刻气质。Hope everyone have good time at EOU and love Yoonho deeply with good virtue.

在大多数男人的生活中,出轨抑或守望最终都会有个了结。In the life of most men, there is a final battle between straying and staying.

请继续为他们的安全、健康和与主的团契守望。Please continue praying for their safety, health and fellowship with the Lord.

就这样,我们三人高度警惕地守望着可能会来犯的北极熊,度过了一整夜。So it was that the three of us spent the night on an enforced polar-bear watch.

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最后只能站在两条平行线上互相守望却从不曾交错!Can stand finally at two parallel on-line mutual on guard never once cross however!

从上帝与摩西立约起,这个民族无论在农耕社会还是发展为商业文明便一直守望着。His essay My Talk with a Farmer is based on the covenant between God and Moses at Mt.

守望幸福,幸福其实就是一条简单得只有起点而没有终点的河流。Actully the happiness we look forward to is simply like a river with start but no end.