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昆曲传人青黄不接,他是其中之一。He is also one of a dwindling breed of Kunqu artists.

其优秀的外交家很少,又青黄不接。Its few diplomats are good, but terribly overstretched.

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刀锋系列在2005年大获成功,但此后一直青黄不接。The RAZR phone was a big success in 2005, but there was nothing to follow it up.

青黄不接的滋味被我们在村头大声呼喊出来,日子的重量似乎轻盈了许多。Taste gap we cry out in the village, the weight of days it seems that a lot of light.

现在科技人材青黄不接。There are not enough trained younger men and women ready to take over from older experts.

在目前中国乐坛摇滚音乐音乐人青黄不接,充斥R&B、HIP-HOP曲风的情况下,王威的出现添补了主流摇滚的空白。At present, there is less and less Rock musicians, Chinese music is flooded with R&B and HIP-HOP.

有时,穷人甚至会青黄不接,他们没有足够的钱来支付生活所需。Sometimes, poor people even get caught short. They do not have enough money to pay for what they need.

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这个系正处在青黄不接的时期,青年教师大部分还没有成长起来。This department is in a period of crisis right now, because most of the young teachers are still inexperienced.

雷克萨斯面临新车型青黄不接的窘境时,这种缺陷就变得尤为明显了,比如今年就是如此。That shortcoming becomes especially apparent when Lexus suffers a drought of new models, such as it has this year.

很多写电子书的人通常会得到一份微薄但持续的第二收入,来帮助他们支撑青黄不接的月份。For many who take to e-book route, they end up with a humble but consistent second income stream which can get them through the leaner months.

另一种声音则怪罪语文程度节节败退,担心将来青黄不接,后继无人。The other, on the contrary, voices worry that with the Chinese language fast losing ground, there will be no worthy successors in future to carry the torch.

在目前中国乐坛摇滚音乐音乐人青黄不接,充斥R&B、HIP-HOP曲风的情况下,王威的出现添补了主流摇滚的空白。At present, there is less and less Rock musicians, Chinese music is flooded with R&B and HIP-HOP. The appearance of Wang Wei fills the blank of main-stream Rock.

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在商业大潮的冲击下,蒲州梆子正陷于危机之中,观众大量流失,演员队伍青黄不接,这种局面需要尽快得到扭转。Under the commercial impact, Puzhou Wooden Clappers is being endangered as it is losing audience and human resources. Obviously, this situation needs to be changed as soon.

中国乐坛在海纳百川的同时,民族音乐却有些萎靡不振,出现了青黄不接的尴尬局面。Music in China is tolerant and flourishing, while national music is in the doldrums and an embarrassing situation is aroused that there are no worthy successors to carry the torch.

由于林彪、“四人帮”的破坏,我们的科学技术队伍发生了青黄不接的现象,这就使加速培养年轻一代的科学技术人才的任务更加迫切了。Owing to the sabotage by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, there is an age gap in our scientific and technical ranks which makes the training of a younger generation of personnel all the more urgent.