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唉,要是我们能留住他!Ay, if we can keep him!

博颜又是怎么留住自己人才的呢?How does Beyondsoft keep its talent?

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会过得很好的,只要我们能留住他,艾伦。Very well, if we can keep him, Ellen.

海斯勒比较擅长留住顾客。Heisler is adapting to keep his clients.

利用“碎碎念”来留住你朋友圈中的粉丝。Use Twitter to keep your fans in the loop.

学会放弃时有些梦希望能留住。Learn to give up some dreams wished to keep.

所以,我希望你们能留住些东西。So, we want you to have some retention here.

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再密封一下窗户缝就可以留住热气了。Reseal all window frames to keep the heat in.

古城虽小,已留住我心。My heart has been tarrying at this small town.

这个冬天可不可以让我把你跟阳光都留住。This winter can not let me keep you with the sun.

尤文的三巨头都是厉害人物啊,能留的应该尽量留住。If it were up to me, Bettega would have never left.

村里一座古朴的风水墙帮村民们留住这里的好风水。Thee plain Fengshui Wall wishes villagers good luck.

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为了某种原因,我不能緃容自己留住你。For some reason, I can not condone my own to keep you.

也就是在那时,我知道南安普顿不可能留住他了。It was then that I knew Southampton couldn't keep him.

尚恒看见她带着行李,设法留住她。ShangHeng saw her carrying luggage, managed to keep her.

我们必须获得那份销售合同,留住最好的客户。We have to retain our best customer. We have to be there.

他珍视他们为了留住青春,情谊和记忆所做的努力。He valued their grasps at youth, companionship and memory.

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经过你手的玉,必定会留住你生命的信息。You touch the jade, the jade record information of your life.

如果特朗普的霸凌真的可以为美国人留住好的工作,上帝保佑他。If Trump's bullying can actually save good jobs, God bless him.

好样的!唐纳德成功地引来一只雌鸟,现在,他需要想办法留住她!OK, Donald can pull down a Mary. Now he needs to make her stay.