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熊这么做。Bears do it.

为什么有这么多方式呢Why do this?

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都这么晚了。It's so late!

于是他这么做了。So he did it.

这么多玩发当中。So more hair.

阿木常常这么说。Amu often say.

我就能这么说了I can now say.

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锦鲤也这么做。Koi fish do it.

你是这么说的吗?Sayest thou so?

这么慌张干嘛?Why the flurry?

你这么认为吗?Do you think so?

我就是这么认为的。I just think so.

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我就是这么倒霉。This is my luck.

别这么吝啬。Don't be so mean.

我不能这么做.I cann't do that.

你不能这么写。You cannot write.

我只是这么想。I only suppose so.

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或至少是这么希望的。Or so it is hoped.

这么多就够了。That's all I want.

怎么这么多人啊?Why is it crowded?