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多褒贬、多嘉奖,是防止制口业的孬体式格局。To criticize less and praise more is a good way to avoid creating negative karma of speech.

从佛教业力的概念来看,实际上属于中性词,本无所谓褒贬。In fact, the concept of karma in Buddhism is neither commentary nor derogatory, but a neuter noun.

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客观条件的荣辱与褒贬等都不能影响他。The objective conditions, such as the honor, shame, praise and disparagement, have no influence on him.

对体态成语的语义特征和语义褒贬变化做了探索性的研究。The explorative study its semantic features and the changes of its derogative and appreciative meanings.

我们得让人们发表褒贬意见,因为人们是不会参与到一个不真实的对话之中的。We let people talk about the good and the bad, because people won’t engage unless it’s a real conversation.

本文提出了利用同义词词林来计算词汇褒贬的方法。This paper proposes a new method to analyze word semantic orientation based on Chinese Thesaurus -Tongyici Cilin.

网页的褒贬评价可以嵌入到搜索引擎中,提供进一步的个性化服务。The evaluation of appraise about webpage can be embedded in search engine, and can provide farther individual severs.

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是遯翁自己对她不满意,所以用这种皮里阳秋的笔法来褒贬。It was Tun-weng himself who was dissatisfied with her and who had thus resorted to this veiled manner to disparage her.

最后一章讨论了唐人较为常用的四种批评方法,即意象批评法、纵横批评法、摘句褒贬法、选本批评法。In the last section, we talk about four criticizing methods of theirs. Each chapter has its main points and minor points.

管窥一斑,斯迪希的成功之处恰是一个德国经济复苏的缩影,并为欧洲和世界带来某种冲击--这种冲击褒贬不一而足。How Stihl manages that says a lot about the impact a revived German economy is having on Europe and the world — both good and bad.

管窥一斑,斯迪希的胜利之处恰是一个德国经济苏醒的缩影,并为欧洲和世界带来某种冲击--这种冲击褒贬所在多有。How Stihl manages that says a lot about the impact a revived German economy is having on Europe and the world — both good and bad.

虽然对卢埃林某些法学观点,学界的意见并不一致,褒贬都不在少数,但是卢埃林的判例法思想却得到广泛的认同。Although there are dissents in the academic field on some of Llewellyn's thought, people accept his thoughts about case law widely.

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在翻译有褒贬含义的词语时,要根据语境的提示进行选择,要以原文的立场为标准。The choice of translation of commendatory and derogatory term should be according to the context, and from the point of the original.

自从Facebook在2007年年中向网站开发人员开放API接口以来,其应用程序对旅游公司来说一直都是褒贬参半。Facebook apps have generally been a bit of a mixed bag for travel firms since the social network’s API was opened to developers in mid-2007.

正话反说,褒贬错位,能产生极佳的表达效果,这是“反语法”。The straight talk instead said that, the appraisal dislocation, can produce the extremely good expression results, this is "the counter-grammar".

词人也时而直接咏叹、褒贬时事,有意识地表现出以词“存史”的写实精神。Liu Chenweng were also sometimes to chant, appraise and demote current events directly, show his spirit of realism to keep history by writing words.

通过与前代同类故事的纵向比较,分析清代笔记小说中城隍故事所具有的独特审美价值,发掘其蕴含的道德褒贬。Through the vertical comparison with the previous same kind stories, it analyzed the unique beauty value. It also discovered the moral praise and blame.

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万荣笑话是我国民间艺术的一朵奇葩,以“争”气为特色,用诙谐幽默的语言褒贬生活,使人们在笑声中得到启示。Wanrong jokes is a special form of the national art which features as "zeng". It appraises life with humorous language and makes people instructed in laughter.

第二部分是体态成语的语义分析。对体态成语的语义特征和语义褒贬变化做了探索性的研究。The second point is about its semantic analysis. The explorative study is focused on its semantic features and the changes of its derogative and appreciative meanings.

但是绿色和平组织还是给了北京一个褒贬参半的鉴定,包括奥运场馆节能科技、严格机动车尾气排放标准,以及进一步鼓励公共交通工具的使用。But Greenpeace gave Beijing a mixed assessment. It noted energy-saving technology in Olympic venues, stricter vehicle emissions standards and expanded public transport.