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这个星期我当白班。I'm on day shift this week.

你愿意上夜班还是上白班?。Would you rather work nights or days?

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你是上白班还是上晚班?Are you on the day shift or the night shift?

从明天开始我就上白班了。from tomorrow on I`m working the main shift.

我有时上白班,有时上夜班。Sometimes I woke in the day and sometimes at night.

验收考核均在白班内进行。The performance test shall be carried out in daytime.

只有在工作日的白班才有人力资源可用。The human resources are available on the day shift only on weekdays.

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这个车间的工人上白班和上夜班每周轮换一次。The workers in this workshop do day and night shifts in weekly rotation.

如果他被转移到他白班,他的态度可能会更改了极为有利的。If he is transferred to he day shift, his attitude may change to highly favorable.

克莱夫居住的脑损伤治疗医院对那里的十个病人来说如同家里一样,这周黛博拉会上白班,和丈夫在固定时间通电话。The brain injury unit where Clive will probably always live is home to ten patients.

例如,如果乔治是转移到白班,他的态度可能会变得更加积极。For example , if George is transferred to the day shift , his attitude may become positive.

但是这种轮班有很多形式,也许包括一些白班,一个通宵班或一个晚班。Shifts vary, but might include a couple of day shifts, followed by a swing shift and a night shift.

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在一艘游船感觉密西西比河的伟大,或者到欧纳拉斯加湖去试试你的运气,看能否钓得上白班狗鱼。Chart the mighty Mississippi on a riverboat tour, or try your luck with the northern pike in Lake Onalaska.

所以这个研究意味着什么?如果想让生育能力达到最优,要坚持上白班,让搭档搬重物。So what does this study mean? If trying to optimise fertility, stick to the day job and leave the lifting to their partner.

要是早上开始值白班的话,下午两点会结束,而如果当天要从晚上11点开始值通宵班的话,便会非常的困难了。The transition from the day shift, which at his airport ended at 2 p.m., to overnight, which began at 11 that evening, was particularly difficult.

一天早晨,当值白班的护士为他们提来洗澡水,看到的却是窗口那个男人的尸体,他已经在睡梦中安然去世了。One morning, the nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep.

一天早晨,当值白班的护士为他们提来洗澡水,看到的却是窗口那个男人的尸体,他已经在睡梦中安然去世了。One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep.

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这位负责人表示,目前无法确定引发爆炸的原因,而当天白班的矿工都没有报告井下有任何异常。The official said that at present can not determine the cause of the explosion triggered, and the day of the miners the day shift did not report any unusual underground.

自从他们去年搬进这套三居室后,黄家人越来越喜欢家庭聚会,来得比白班还早,走得比中班还晚,流连忘返。Since they moved into last year after a three-bedroom, huang family more and more like the family party, came earlier than day shift, go, later than the middle shift also linger.