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红线还是蓝线?Red wire or blue wire?

脸上的红线只是一条而已。Redlines are only one of them.

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红线就是国界线。The red line is the demarcation line.

红线是这台发动机在4200转。Redline of this engine is at 4200 RPM.

如果说你是个太空人,你脸上的红线在哪儿呢?Wheah's your redlines if you're such a hot spacer?

手中的红线怎么绑也无法绑上。How to tie the hors of the red line can not be tied.

安全红线不能碰,违章违纪不留情。Safety not to touch the red line, unsparing violation.

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租金比较昂贵,特别是在特区西北部沿红线地区。Renting, particularly along the red line in northwest DC, is expensive.

如果红线偏离的角度太大,电脑语音会警示进食者慢下来。If the lines deviate too much, the computer voice tells them to slow down.

所谓民主没有「红线」,其实是一种民粹论述。To assert that "one cannot set limits on democracy" is populist demagoguery.

更奇怪的是,雷雨天,手指上的红线还会扭动。To more strange, the red line on the finger will twist when it's thunder storm.

如果使用者开始狼吞虎咽,红线就会偏离蓝线,起到一种警示作用。If the user guzzles, the red line angles away from the blue one, warning them to ease off.

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如果使用者狼吞虎咽地进食,红线就会偏离蓝线,警告使用者减慢进食速度。If the user guzzles, the red line angles away from the blue one, warning them to ease off.

红线女是一位创造了自己独特的艺术风格的现代粤剧大师。The red-thread women is a master of Guangdong opera with her own artistic characteristics.

红线显示了登月舱的实际位置,蓝线显示了雷达度量的位置。The red line shows the Lander's true position, the blue line the position measured by radar.

各个教派的神职人员都有越过红线、和妇女非婚生子的例子,但天主教派的问题尤为严重。Clergy members of many faiths have crossed the line with women and had children out of wedlock.

记者们承认他们会在触及红线之际履行自我审查之职。Journalists acknowledge that they practice self-censorship and when necessary toe the party line.

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腰椎骨表明软骨或至少在顶端有红线出现。The lumbar vertebrae will show evidence of cartilage or at least as red line present on the tips.

屏幕上的红线显示了使用者的进食速度,而蓝线显示了一种健康的进食速度。A red line on the screen shows the user’s speed of eating, while a blue line shows a healthy rate.

这系统不用任何指标,所须要的是6条水平线。颜色可以自己定,原版是4个黄线,一个红线和一个蓝线。This trading method does not need any indicators all you need is 6 lines, 4 yellow, 1 red and 1 blue.