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万马奔腾。Ten thousand horses gallop forward.

黄河以万马奔腾之势滚滚向前。The Yellow River surges onward like ten thousand horses galloping.

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声似雷霆万钧,势如万马奔腾。Sound like force of a thunderbolt, potential, such as full steam ahead.

声音是那么急,那么响亮,就像万马奔腾,怒潮狂涌一样。The noise was like ten thousand stampeding horses, a roaring tidal wave.

此刻他的心跳有如万马奔腾。His palpitation now is surged as thousands of horses are surging forward.

那万马奔腾的场面我这一辈子也忘不了。The scene of thousands of steeds galloping I would never forget all my life.

连大地都震动了,仿佛万马奔腾,千夫怒吼。The very earth trembled as with the tramp of horses and murmur of angry men.

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雨点打在窗户上,就像是战鼓雷鸣,万马奔腾。The raindrop dozen seem war drum thunder Ming on the window and ten thousand horses dash about.

我们的教育事业,正如百花齐放,万马奔腾。Our educational work is like a hundred flowers in bloom, like ten thousnd horses galloping ahead.

在一望无际的荒原上,万马奔腾,尘烟四起。On the boundless wasteland, thousands of horses are galloping ahead in the dust rising from all directions.

奔腾的潮水声被描述成像暴风雨里的雷声或者是万马奔腾。The sounds of the surging tide have been described as like thunder in a storm, or the hoofs of a thousand horses.

碰到水流如万马奔腾,风暴将水流激怒得汹涌澎湃,这时走近挪威一英里以内的地方,就要出事。When the stream is most boisterous, and its Fury heightened by a storm, it is dangerous to come within a Norway mile of it.

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富士康园区中已经设立了若干处公司商场,公司员工可以从商场中以折扣价购买商品,但万马奔腾超市则是被定位于开设在中国其他地区的电子商场,富士康计划向有创业意愿的员工提供特许经营权,甚至还能为他们发放一小笔启动资金。Ten Thousand Horses Galloping is designed to be an electronics store for the rest of China. Foxconn plans to offer franchises to employees and even grant them a little startup capital.