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你会放开手脚,享受跑步!You are open to enjoy it!

我们都得伸伸手脚了。We all need a good stretch.

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这水管工人的手脚很俐落。The plumber did a clean job.

我的手脚都冻麻木了。My feet were benumbed with cold.

我手脚没有抽筋,我感到身强力壮。I have no cramps and I feel strong.

囚犯的手脚都被捆住。The prisoner was bound hand and foot.

妳的手脚协调度不太好耶…Your coordination is not so good, Li.

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他感到他被婚姻束缚住了手脚。He felt he was hemmed in the marriage.

他们用绳子捆住我的手脚。They bound my arms and legs with rope.

他手脚并用,爬到了邻近的村子。He crawled on asls to a nearby village.

我手脚发软地敲了敲门,然后开了门。I knock limply on the door and open it.

我真是给吓得手脚冰冷,魂不附体。I was so scared that my blood ran cold.

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动动你的脚尖,甩甩你的手脚和臂膀。Wiggle your toes, feet, hands and arms.

林德手脚伸展著躺在火炉前面。Lynd stretched out in front of the fire.

他的手脚都很酸痛。Both of his hands and feet ache all over.

他手脚摊开横躺在床上。He was sprawled full-length across the bed.

那手脚、嘴唇、眼眸及眉额。Of hand , of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow.

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火苗烧伤了他的脸和手脚。The flames burned his face, hands and feet.

他手脚并用,爬到了邻近的村子。He crawled on all fours to a nearby village.

沃克医生是手脚骨折方面的专家。Doctor Walker is an expert in volar fracture.